From the beginning of time, one tribe has been set apart from from the rest. This particular group of people were appointed by God to be holy, pure and represent His church with utmost respect. These people were known as the Levites and they were the only tribe qualified to be high priests in Bible times. Then a peculiar baby was born into the world. As this baby grew older, he began preaching and healing people. This Man was known as Jesus and according to the Bible, he was also qualified to be…
The history of Satan is described in the Bible in Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-19. These two biblical passages also reference the king of Babylon, the King of Tyre, and the spiritual power behind the kings. What caused Satan to be cast from Heaven? He fell because of pride that originated from his desire to be God instead of a servant of God. Satan was the highest of all the angels, but he wasn’t happy. He desired to be God and rule the universe. God cast Satan out of heaven as a fallen…
The prophecy that spoke to me the most out of the eight prophecies is Isaiah 53:7 “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.” This verse represents Jesus Christ, completely absent of sin, yet shows His complete obedience to God, as Jesus becomes the perfect atoning sacrifice to give His righteousness to sinners. Jesus Christ left His divine…
OPINION In the essay presented by Isaiah Berlin who argues in favour of negative freedom , in my opinion the concept of negative liberty has been tactfully interpreted so as to avoid it from losing the debate between positive and negative liberty. It is wrong of Berlin to suggest one can be free if the agent is not impeded by any physical obstacle, but that real freedom is both internal and external. I feel that those who defend the positive notion do not want to force others into our way of…
The article I completed my research on was “ Isaiah 14 and Habakkuk 2: Two Taunt songs against the same tyrant?” In this article the author contrasts Isaiah 14 and Habakkuk 2 and speaks on the similarities between the two rulers mentioned. The reason for comparing Isaiah 14 and Habakkuk 2 is because of the prominent monarch figure in both of the passages and the taunt songs that accompany it. Even though Isaiah and Habakkuk were written by different people, the author of this article makes his…
are always seeking assurance from the community. When received in a good manner, kids can really cherish it and use it for good. Isaiah Acosta is a youth rapper born without a jaw. He was lucky enough to spread his message through trap house owner, Tikey Patterson. Isaiah Acosta teamed up with rapper Tikey Patterson to write and perform his music. Thanks to Tikey, Isaiah is now more confident in his work and is not afraid to tackle tough obstacles. Now, he's graduating and looking forward to…
In his essay, Two Concepts of Liberty, Isaiah Berlin favours negative over positive liberty as it is “the truer and more humane ideal” and argues that positive law threatens individual autonomy by justifying paternalistic coercion. In his work, Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville views liberty as a benefit produced by political life under a free government and posits a conception of positive liberty as political participation. This essay will argue contrary to Berlin, that positive…
town and school for quality childcare. Isaiah, an African American male (age 17) attends Nicollet Public High School in Nicollet Minnesota. Isaiah is the only African American male in all of the school, and one of the few minorities in Nicollet. Isaiah is very interested in applying to NECC because of his interest in children. When applying Isaiah noticed a macro-level issue within NECC, the problem consisted of mainly Caucasian female workers. When…
powerful and vivid manner. Among them, the book of the prophet Isaiah holds a preeminent position in Sacred Scripture, and in the hearts of many biblical scholars and lovers of Scripture. The book of Isaiah the prophet begins with a third-person verse identifying the name of the book's…
Sandra “Kaitlyn” Stewart 1. Isaiah 53 God is communicating that as Christ was growing up He was the lowest of the lows. He was despised and rejected; God’s wrath fell down upon Him because of our sins. Although Christ was innocent, He was pierced for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. We are healed through His undeserving wounds. 2. God is teaching us that He was willing to punish His Son to heal us (verse 5.) He taught us that He is a powerful by laying the iniquity of us all…