Corporations, from Coca-Cola to Disney to Apple, make billions of money off of us. Given that a lot of people’s income goes to corporations like these, do they have a responsibility to act in an ethical manner? Should they be allowed to release products such as the Samsung Note 7 which repeatedly caught on fire? It is my opinion that they should not, that corporations should have the responsibility to act in an ethical manner as it would lead to the overall greater good. The issue of…
enriched in goodness. In turn, this goodness then establishes a happy life. However, it is not proven that the ultimate ends lies within happiness. Instead, it is approximated that human life benefits from this. The science of politics promotes moral value, and is exercised with substantiating goodness in…
There are numerous political philosophies that are employed in today’s government, one such philosophy is utilitarianism. It was originally conceived by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and later revised by John S. Mill (1806-1873). The dates alone should be considered with regards to this philosophy, which should altogether be abolished in the realms of government by reason of flawed thinking. This paper will explore a couple of examples on the ways in which utilitarianism has been used in both the…
person is following the policy put into place by the agency and an incident happens directly related to the policy, the employee as long as they are following protocol is less likely to get into trouble. In conclusion having a leader with no moral values and a psychological egoist with a utilitarian view, is detrimental to the moral and well-being of the…
Within a year I would like to work my hardest to get good grades so I can attend a respected college. I realize that I’m currently in the last semester of my junior year, which means that I do not have a lot of time before I start applying for colleges and preparing for my future. This means that right now my performance in school plays a significant role in my chances of being accepted to college, so it’s crucial that I realize that this is an important time in my high school career where I…
This description alone is enough to warrant some type of worry about the boy. He describes the girls that walk in, as if he has never laid his eyes on a girl before in his life. He does this throughout the story. He follows each of their movement and never takes his eyes off of them. He like the boy in Araby just totally disregards everything except for the three females in the store. Now before I go judging the protagonist for his action, I will first admit I am guilty of staring at attractive…
Summum bonum is a term essentially meaning the greatest good; it is a Latin term and describes an activity or decision that recognizes the most important things and aims to serve the good of all instead of a special interest group. This is an important concept in criminal justice as it is essential to effective judiciary policy to serve the greatest good instead of the special interests of specific groups or demographics (Wiltshire, 1972). Many schools of thought recognize summum bonum as a core…
the biosphere because animals and plants have an intrinsic moral value. Intrinsic value is when something has value earned indecently, has value for its own sake and then develops into being treat with moral considerations or obligations depend on what has been labeled as having intrinsic vale. Philosopher Dale Jamieson labeled intrinsic value to be the “gold standard” of morality and highlights the four common reoccurring characteristics of this value and the last point expanded by Richard…
Default Hedonism to measure net worth of pleasure and pain. These two units are hedons and dolors. As previously mentioned, a hedon is one unit of pleasure, and a dolor is one unit of pain. So when one experiences an episode of pleasure, the intrinsic value of that episode is equal to the number of hedons in that episode. The same can be applied to an episode of pain. To further break down this claim, Feldman says that experiencing more intense pleasures is better than experiencing less intense…
Immanuel Kant is most notably known as the man whose ideas on morality have greatly shaped the landscape of Ethics. Perhaps most important is his concept of rational humans having inherent dignity, but is this philosophy still true today and if so is it still relevant in a society that has so many more facets in a world far more complex than the time he lived. By introducing and explaining Kant’s concept of inherent dignity and showing how some people or groups of people have been at the both a…