Viruses are miniscule organisms which are too small to be seen with a normal microscope. Invented in the 1940s, the electron microscope allowed scientists to see that a virus is nothing more than a core of genetic material (RNA or DNA), concealed in a protective protein coat. The tiny agents of disease are not referred to as living things, due to the fact that they cannot replicate on their own. They must attack the cells of another living organism and take over the cells' machinery to then make…
Genital herpes is one the most common sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The herpes simplex virus is a double stranded DNA virus that belongs to the herpesviridae family (Garland 2014). There are two classification of this virus, the HSV-1 and HSV-2. The HSV-2 is the type that usually causes genital herpes, but there has been an increase of genital herpes caused by the HSV-1 type in recent times. This literature review is going to be study the causes,…
The Chimp and the River is a narration of journalist David Quammen’s search for answers and scientific proof of HIV first occurrence in 1908. He traveled to many places, collecting information on the first existence of HIV, information on scientific data that found patient zero, the first patient that had this pandemic virus. His journey explains how a couple of doctors in laboratory in a war-ridden city, Kinshasa sustained routine biopsy procedures. The procedures where done by collecting…
As a Heath Officer, I have been tasked with researching the frequency of HIV/AIDS in my rural area. It is a small population so I will work on both an observational and experimental study design. This will allow me to attempt to understand the spike in incidence of HIV/AIDS as well as work towards isolating the cause and educating the population. For the observational approach, I will work on a cross-sectional survey of the population. A cross-sectional study must include randomly drawn…
'Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus (AIDS) is caused by a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that weakens the immune system , making the body susceptible to and unable to recover from opportunistic diseases that lead to death' (USAID, 2010, pp.173). It is one of the major challenges for Public Health and it is the world's leading infectious killer. According to the WHO, 35 million people are living with HIV worldwide. In middle and low income countries is the majority of infected people. In…
Name : PATEL JANAKI Roll No :97 College : SMIMER MEDICAL COLLEGE,SURAT Date :29-11-16 HIV Prevention Strategy Challenge & Opportunity HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which is the virus that causes HIV infection. HIV attacks and destroys the infection-fighting CD4 cells of the immune system. The loss of CD4 cells makes it difficult for the body to fight infections and certain cancers. Without treatment, HIV can gradually destroy the immune system and advance to…
The human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a virus that unlike many other viruses the body can not fight it off, once contaminated with the virus the person must live with the human immunodeficiency virus for the rest of their life. What HIV does is it kills off CD4 Cells or T Cells which are white blood cells that the immune system develops in order to helps the body fight off diseases, infections and other viruses. If the HIV virus is not treated, with time the virus kills so many T Cells…
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, more commonly known as HIV, is a potentially fatal virus that is spread and contracted by humans. Unlike many other viruses that are transmitted HIV has the potential to hide from the human immune system, which prevents the virus from being destroyed. HIV does this by synthesizing a protein known as Nef. This protein aids the virus by convincing the host cell that the virus is actually part of the normal cellular waste, rather than displaying it on the surface of…
Feline Immunodeficiency VirusThe Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) was first isolated from cats in 1986 and wasdiscovered due to an outbreak of FIV infected cats housed together in several pens (Pederson112). FIV belongs to the family Retroviridae, the subfamily Orthoretrovirinae, and the genusLentivirus (Taniwaki et al. 551-552). Being that FIV is a lentivirus, this means that it’s a “slowvirus” with long incubation periods that could last for years (CFHC). FIV is present worldwideand “in the…
Magic Bullet, It’s a book about a study on the American people and how their reaction to certain diseases has had a significant effect on the way people react or respond to the problem. In this particular book the author, Allan M. Brandt, concentrates his study on several venereal transmitted diseases such as syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea and AIDS. This venereal diseases are often labeled and often related to sinful behaviors, often related to a specific group of people, for example: the LGBT…