This becomes apparent in J.D Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”. In the novel, the narrator Holden Caulfield, is telling a story about two days of his life. The whole story is about Holden dealing with the past and becoming spiritually mature as he tells the story while at the mental hospital. To be honest, I don't think Holden is a typical teenager compared to me. Before I talk about why I don't think Holden is a typical teenager, lets talk about what makes a typical teenager. According to…
Undergoing emotional turmoil, Holden Caulfield a 16 year old ex student at Pencey Prep talks about the “madman” events around Christmas, that has brought him to receive help at a mental hospital. Holden is having a tremendous difficulty trying to surpass his emotional turmoil, and struggles dealing with the phoniness of the world. With the fact that someday he will have to grow up leaving his innocent young life, to become some phony adult wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase, riding to work in…
If there’s one thing Holden Caulfield hates most, it’s phonies. Throughout the whole novel, Holden points out when someone is being phony or being fake, being precise with every detail. Most people he comes across happen to be “phony” or doing phony things. Regardless of what Holden may say or think about others, he is also a phony. Everytime he speaks to someone a lie comes out and he’s often portrayed doing phony things. By calling others phonies, it makes it easier for him to deal with…
have behavioral problems that can affect their lives and how the live in a negative way. For some people, like Holden Caulfield, other factors such as a death of a relative can cause problems in a teenager’s life. When Holden was thirteen his younger brother, Allie, died due to leukemia which caused Holden to become fixated at the age of thirteen and have the behavioral problems he has. Holden is very overdramatic and also very outspoken which causes him to get hurt in some way whether it’s…
Patient: Holden CaulfieldDoctor: Robert Barnett Psy.D.Case #: 1234Admission: March 20, 1948Date of Report: March 23, 1948 The patient, Holden Caulfield, has been admitted to my facility by his parents and by suggestion of his sister two days ago, because he has recently been expelled from his school due to academic failure, depression and alcoholism. He is the middle child of three children. The patient is a heavy smoker and drinker. There are no unstable members of his family. While…
everything Holden encounters he refers to as phony. He does not like anything fake, especially when people act like something they are really not. Holden is so confused about the phoniness that he fails to realize that he himself is just as guilty of being phony as everyone else around him. Holden desires someone to care about, but his constant lookout for phoniness in people makes it hard for him to make any sort of connection. In a world of so much confusion and loneliness, all Holden wants in…
cases, the dynamic character of the novel is the protagonist. In this case, it is the same for this novel. Holden Caulfield is the main character of The Catcher in the Rye and he develops quite a lot throughout the novel. Most of these changes that he goes through are abstruse to realize at first glance but at further inspection, you realize that Holden matures a lot throughout the novel. Holden begins off as an eleventh grader in high school who attends Penecy Prep. He is then kicked out of the…
Holden Caulfield and Jim Stark Holden is a depressed teen with a negative attitude towards life and people, he wants to protect kids from reality and want to protect their innocence. Jim is a good person who makes good connections with people around him, he has a complicated relationship with his family especially his father who he thinks is a coward. These two characters have important similarities and differences. Similarities include romantic relationships and family.…
Holden Caulfield’s Degenerative PTSD There are many ways that Holden goes through the symptoms and stages of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It can be proven that Holden Caulfield has PTSD because he faces several emotional and physical symptoms of PTSD, he has a hard time overcoming the death of his brother and as a result he can not move forward in life. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The…
Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield, experiences symptoms which effect his mind and body. I am diagnosing Holden Caulfield with clinical depression based on the following observed symptoms. According to WebMD, the symptoms of depression include sadness, trouble sleeping, increased fatigue, thoughts of death or suicide, mood swings, and increase in purposeless physical activity. Holden displays many of these symptoms in his behavior. Holden feels that he is on the "losing…