When the hip-hop era started back in 1970s in Bronx, New York, it was arguably predominately for African Americans. Now days, hip-hop are becoming more universal with different types of ethnicities. We see different types of ethnicities with hip-hop culture of graffiti, break dancing, and rapping. For example, the film 8 Mile and Step Up is about B-Rabbit and Tyler Gage who are both white pursuing hip-hop cultures such as break dancing and rapping. Both B-Rabbit and Tyler had struggles such as…
The hip hop culture can be a good source for many people to express themselves. The expression can come in different forms, such as: graffiti art, music, or dance and fashion. Hip hop dancing is one of the better ways of one’s self-expression because of how easily it is to communicate with others through dancing. Along with hip hop dancing, what the hip hop artists wear is a major aspect in becoming who the artist is or what they represent. Fashion can come in many forms. From clothing to…
The debate of whether rap and hip hop are the same has been around since it became popular. In reference to history, everyone wants to add to the discussion. People tend to obscure history by adding their own ideas to how things really originated. In the case of Rap and Hip hop, many people try to force the two genres into one due to the fact that Rap and Hip hop share some similar features. Many fail to see that hip hop is different from rap. Rap and hip hop, although both genres originate…
Hip-hop, and rap music are a type of music genre, heavily complemented and influenced by each other, that was developed by inner city African Americans in the united states. Many critics demised hip-hop and rap music during its popularity outbreak around the 1970’s; however, little did they know that this form of music would blow up on mainstream media outlets and become one of the most important musical forces of the 20th and 21st centuries. Hip hop music, also called hip-hop or rap music, is…
Hip hop comprises of music, dancing, art, poetry, language and style or as it’s called now of days Swag. Its creators/ entrepreneurs were from the inner-city hard-not society: frustrated young people who felt subjugated by the system, disqualified from conventional culture, and frantic with emotions waiting to be express. These cultural entrepreneurs did a lot of illegal, condemned, or otherwise disapproved of the music industry in the beginning. In modern time hip hop is now a global…
The culture and art of hip-hop is often misconstrued. There is history of struggle, uplifting music and dancing, and calls to action for social justice in the essence of hip-hop. The documentary “Rap: Looking for the Perfect Beat” validates the true meaning of hip-hop by explaining how hip-hop came about and what is truly means. The most significant aspect in the documentary “Rap: Looking for the Perfect Beat” is that it articulates how hip-hop is not something that stereotypically promotes gang…
the Hip Hop echelon had arrived long before 2011. Many of them had not only accumulated a vast amount of wealth a decade prior, but took part in the shift in qualities that determined ones elite status. This alteration from the previous black elite during the fourth wave first emerged when the Hip Hop generation was born. It ultimately came full circle when black and brown youth in urban ghettos in New York united through privations and the fervent need to alter their grim futures. The Hip Hop…
The following Ethnography takes a very specific look into the vast world of New York hip-hop, a specific look at a category of a dance style, or more appropriately a dance tradition in hip-hop known as “b-boying and b-girling.” Joseph G. Schloss is the author of the book called “Foundation: B-Boys, B-Girls, and Hip-Hop Culture in New York.” The book provides an engaging, new and exciting look on this amazing hip-hop subculture. The New York culture of b-boying and b-girling holds lots of…
Hip-Hop was introduced in Japan in the 1980’s when the U.S Hip-Hop artists came to tour and did their concerts. Also, it became popular through U.S media and movies like “Wild Style” taken place in the Bronx, which got the first generation Japanese hip hoppers into hip hop. The main elements in Hip-Hop was Djing, break dancing, and graffiti. Mostly likely Japanese hip hoppers are teenagers and in their 20’s. Discos was the spot for hip hoppers to come and chill, but since Djing came along it…
Of course, towards the mid-1980s the new school or the golden age of Hip hop was brought into the light. At the time when Hip hop was developing in the 70s almost every graffiti artist was either in a gang or group and they were trying to mark their territory or promote their group. Graffiti is a certain style of art that was painted with spray paint and is illegal in most areas because it is vandalizing private property. There was different forms of graffiti one was a tag. According to Michael…