Brief Summary of Plot: Good Will Hunting chronicles the tale of Will Hunting a gifted young man who works as a custodian at MIT. One day he solves a difficult math problem and is discovered by Professor Gerald Lambeau, who soon takes Will in as his protégé. When Will’s bravado gets him arrested for assaulting a police officer the professor bails him out under the condition that he sees a counselor. After several failed attempts by 5 therapists, Will meets therapist Sean Maguire who takes Will…
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a true genius? Good Will Hunting is a movie about just that: a young boy who has experienced a less than satisfactory upbringing, but through reading informational books at a public library in his youth and through having a photographic memory that allows him to remember everything he reads has resulted in him becoming very intelligent. It is shown just how intelligent he is when he solves a proof that is written on a chalkboard at Harvard University…
Is Hunting Good or Bad for the Environment? Did you know there are 1.23 million car to deer collisions each year in the United States? That brings up the question of; is hunting good or bad for the environment. By examining statistics of the deer population, diseased deer, and where the money comes from to improve animal habitats, it's clear that hunting deer is good for the environment. Looking at the deer population, millions of deer are shot each year by hunters. Sick deer need to be removed…
To do the analyze of the movie Good Will Hunting though the theory Cognitive Dissonance it required a review of literature with previous research about the topic that support this study. Following is the literature review that examined the variety of studies previously done by scholars in the area about Cognitive Dissonance. Leon Festinger is the founder of this theory and will be introduced as he is the primary source, following is a subtitle of research other scholars has done within this…
the world of hollywood film, as well as society as a whole, there are often racial biases that benefit some, and inhibit others. Time and time again, theses racial stereotypes are portrayed throughout Hollywood cinema. As shown in the Good Will Hunting, Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, shows time and time again that superior Knowledge, and white skin color is the the key to success. Whether it was him winning over Skylar in the Harvard Bar, or talking his way out of legal consequences in the…
Good Will Hunting I chose to watch Good Will Hunting. It is about a man named Will Hunting who is highly intelligent, primarily with mathematics. He was working in a college as a janitor and the math Professor, Gerald Lambeau had left an equation on the board in the hallway. Will was doing his cleaning of the building when he came across the problem and solved it. The class came to Professor Lambeau shortly after to ask who solved it because they couldn’t wait until Monday to find out. He was…
Hunting How many of you like to hunt for sport, exercise for fitness, or even food for the family? Well you can do all of these if you have the right papers and tags. There has been a huge growth in the past years thanks to management efforts and taxes that hunters pay. Hunters pay hundreds of dollars for licenses and tag per year. Some licenses can cost anywhere from ninety to one hundred twenty dollars. Some hunters will pay 32,000 dollars plus the pursuit of the animals on a ten day hunt…
Trophy Hunting good or bad? Revised Version Trophy hunting “The primary game sought is usually the oldest and most mature animal from a given population.” that is one definition of trophy hunting, the majority of people believe trophy hunting it 100 percent illegal. The news reports on trophy hunting, and making the trophy hunters look bad for their actions. One trophy hunter shot and killed an endangered lion in Africa, even if the…
It was the park scene where Sean spoke to Will. The movie and the documentary “Tough Guise” both sent out very similar messages. In the movie Good Will Hunting, prior to the YouTube clip above, Will had ripped apart Sean’s life based on a simple painting. Sean then spoke with Will about life, about how Will attempted to be this tough guy who shows no emotion. One who doesn’t fully understand the concepts…
for humans to reach “The Good.” Philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas posses different concepts and philosophies towards how a human can reach “The Good.” Aristotle's theory is predicated towards fulfilling one’s purpose to reach their potential, Kant’s theory is driven towards the duty each individual must accomplish to reach “The Good,” and finally, Levinas's theory is based on the relationships that humans create with one another to find “The Good.” Each of the three…