historical fiction novel written by Laurie Halse Anderson, takes place in the city of Philadelphia during the year 1793 as an epidemic races through the area. Fourteen year-old Mattie Cook is caught right in the middle of it and has to struggle to survive as fever and panic take over the city. This disease causes many changes and challenges in her life that she must overcome. By using certain instances of description and inner thoughts, Anderson effectively develops the theme that saying…
A Fearful Existence Tullian Tchividjian once said, “The deepest fear we have, 'the fear beneath all fears,' is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It's this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life.” The fear of the physical pain that things such as sexual harassment and violence can cause the surface fear, but beneath that is the fright of judgment caused by these events. Sexual harassment and violence can cause psychological effects of fear and insecurity in…
for young adult females. Fortunately, there are many young adult books that address these issues without reminding teens of a pamphlet in the guidance counselor’s office. Two different books, Beauty Queens by Libba Bray and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson address a variety of issues important to young adult girls and are ideal books to integrate into schools. Although Beauty Queens may not be a boy’s top literary pick, it is a riveting, rebellious book that screams “girl power.” If a high school…
funny prank, but to the authorities, you were busted for doing graffiti on the exterior of the school and spent the summer doing outdoor work as a punishment. Learning that perseverance is key to being a successful teenager, Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson explains how an average teenager must choose between transforming himself or giving in to his destructive thoughts. Through his inner thoughts and feelings, comprehensive symbolism, irony and satire. In life, you must go through the…
Alexis Pfarrer Language Arts Mrs. Dillon 5 October 2016 After reading the novel, Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, there have been obvious times when the characters incorporated in the book decide to use their powerful voices to get their point across. Two of these wonderful characters include main character Melinda Sordino and her lab partner David Petrakis. Melinda Sordino had ruined the end-of-the-summer party by calling the police. Her friends have stopped talking to her since, and others…
Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, is a fiction novel about the struggle of speaking up about a problem. The author takes us through the struggles of Melinda Sordino’s freshman year. Before Melinda’s freshman year of high school she and a group of friends went to a party full of seniors, and beer. It was at this party where Melinda got raped by Andy Evens, called the cops, and became an outcast. Keeping to herself about the rape Melinda struggles to survive the drama of freshman year. Melinda…
The book “Speak,” by Laurie Halse Anderson, is about a girl named Melinda Sordino who is starting her freshman year in high school. She’s had something horrible done to her, however, she won’t tell anyone what happened. During a party before school starts, a junior named Andy Evans raped her. When she calls the police, but she can’t bring herself to tell them what happened. During her phone call with the police, another person sees her and all her friends and everyone at the party begins to hate…
Nothing but Quiet Preston Frisch Ms.Bell English 9 10 May 2018 In the book Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, we see the positive and negative qualities of Heather, Rachel, and Melinda.The qualities of each person affects them each personally. The first quality of Melinda “It is easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip, can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. Nobody really wants to hear what you have to say.”(Melinda,…
“Control”, this piece of artwork, illustrates how the protagonist of Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, feels and sees the world after she was raped and abused. Both the issue of bullying and sexual abuse in Speak are worldwide issues that affect people on a daily basis, and need to be prevented.The words in blue are her thoughts as she tries to decipher if she was raped last summer when she blacked out at a party, and if she should tell her parents what happened to her. The words in red are the…
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental illness that is brought about by exposure to trauma. Most traumas are involving death of a loved one, or the threat thereof, serious injury or amputation, sexual violence, or any life-shattering, or life-altering event that leaves one feeling helpless and hopeless. (Smith et. all, 2015). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is often brought upon by something incredibly terrifying and overwhelming to the experiencer. The most common group of individuals of…