The Baroque Era stretched across a century and a half of European history. It took place between the years of 1600 and 1750. Baroque is derived from the term “barroco,” which means irregular shaped pearl. This term is used to describe this period because it was a time of turbulent changes in politics, science, and the arts. Milestones in intellectual history were reached as Galileo, Copernicus, Descartes, and Spinoza expanded the ideas in physics, astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. William…
bit less common than localized. With generalized D.A. both life and identity will be affected by memory loss. Someone can not only lose the knowledge of themselves, but also of the people they love that’s around them. Fugue dissociative amnesia is the rarest form of D.A. With fugue a person and complete amnesia and may adopt a completely new identity with no knowledge of who they were before. Dissociative amnesia and medical amnesia differs because with medical amnesia causes memories to return…
organ, allowed for the emergence of virtuosos such as Antonio Vivaldi and Girolamo Frescobaldi. Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier made for scientifically-based tuning. In the Baroque era, new genres emerged, such as the opera, the concerto, and the fugue. The opera, a highly extravagant genre, combines…
A fugue (literally “flight”) is a polyphonic composition in which a single musical theme (or subject) is re-stated in sequential phrases… In the eighteen individual compositions that make up The Art of Fugue, Bach explored the possibilities of imitative counterpoint; for example, the musical subject might be arranged to appear backward or inverted (or both);…
Disassociation is a very common phenomenon which is generally experienced after suffering a traumatic event. Most individuals have felt some degree of dissociative episode due to a particular situation or scenario in their lives. Examples of dissociative episodes may include daydreaming, blanking out, having a dreamlike experience, feeling unfamiliar, or having a sense of time being paused or slowing down. These are natural symptoms that are triggered by traumatic events, but may also take…
cadenza that is an ornamented cadence. The sinfonia closes with a real fugue in two voices. The figuration is so rich in harmonic implications that the two parts suffice to suggest an orchestral texture. The fugue subject belongs to a type that is composed out of a single dominant chord. Each statement of the subject serves as a dominant preparation for the following passage, rather than serving as a point of repose. The fugue is divided in half by the episode in mm. 24-34; most of the second…
• DEFINITION- Also called dissociative fugue, is when a person loses awareness of their identity and their brain is trigger to the “fight or flight” mechanism in which they flight, leaving home, work or residency to presume another identity. No memory of their behaviors during amnesia, traveling period. These patients may have other forms of psychosis present such as hysteria and epilepsy. May be difficult to reorient them, they may strongly believe they are someone else. Usually have no…
it was too late for them to escape the imminent evil of the Nazi regime. He then was enlisted to serve at a labor camp and miraculously survived; his parents, however, did not. Immediately after the end of the war, Paul wrote his masterpiece, Death Fugue in 1945 and it was published later in 1948. This poem is one of a handful that received…
Concertos are large compositions for an orchestra. These compositions are full of movements and ritornellos or the beginning of the movement. Fugues are written in imitative polyphony and are built on subjects that appear in instrumental lines. Subjects are principal themes are fugues. They begin with expositions and have certain techniques called countersubjects and strettos. Strettos are when several voices come together at the beginning of a subject. Finally…
Bach, Godowsky, Balakirev, Zorn, and Liszt. The first piece he played was “Prelude & Fugue, BWV 872” composed by Bach. I was a little unsure about the nature and form of this piece because it was unlike some of the more structured pieces we listen to in class. As I heard it, it seemed to be a kind of theme and variations theme, with small differences in each repetition of the theme. After the prelude, the fugue had its own motives with…