measurements. Gould’s finding differed from Morton’s. Gould felt that Morton was biased and intentionally “fudged” the data to better support his argument. However, others have studies both Gould’s and Morton’s findings and have concluded that Morton did not fudge the data but it was a mere accident. Marks thought the early studies are embarrassing to the biological community. He believed that eugenics was a major failure in American science. To understand these studies, we must understand…
In April 2015, 179 teachers and administrators in an Atlanta school district were convicted of racketeering charges. Nine received sentences that include prison time. They were trying to help the students in their system that had been failing the state 's standardized test. The only way they knew how was to cheat. Standardized testing for students in all public American elementary schools and high schools needs to be reevaluated and rewritten to more accurately judge every student. Where the…
In the excerpt Cheating in a Bottom-line Economy from his book The Cheating Culture, David Callahan takes a close look at the changing moral values of workers when they are forced to worry about profit over anything else. When upper management puts the pressure of making money on the workers instead of handling it themselves unintended consequences can happen. For many people, work has taken up most of their lives. Most interact with coworkers more than they see their family. They spend more…
Introduction: Growing up is not easy and sometimes young-adults feel alienated from their peers. Many authors empathize with youngsters by writing books that help them face their pressures and embrace their differences. Young-adult author Judy Blume, tries to connect with her audiences real life struggles in the book Blubber however, some critics thought her use of profanity might set bad examples for her readers. • Childhood: Judy Sussman (Blume) was born on February 12th,1938 in Elizabeth, New…
“Merry Christmas!” You cheered as you entered the science lab where Zack and Hodgins were working. “Merry Christmas, y/n,” Hodgins said warmly. Zack didn’t say anything in response, instead examine the amount of liquid in a beaker. You honestly had no idea what he was doing, and had absolutely no desire to be told. When he didn’t look up after Hodgins greeted you, you rolled your eyes in good nature before wrapping yourself around him and kissing his cheek. “You know,” you said in a…
CRACKER BARREL NEAR ME. The restaurant industry has grown so fast over the years helping families enjoy time out together for dinner and giving the woman some time off from the kitchen and break the monotony of eating your own food. It is always great to indulge in foods that have completely different recipes from what you are used to. Cracker Barrel is one of the most popular restaurants that can never fail or make you regret your choice to take you family or loved ones out for breakfast,…
Medical assistants facing deviance issues such as working with family members who are divided over the care for an incapacitated patient should follow ethical guidelines such as those recommended by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). Another deviance issue in the medical field is time theft amongst employees. Time theft is the misuse of the employer’s time by an employee, and encompasses coming back late on breaks, pretending to work, whiling away the clock on Facebook,…
The bitter, winter weather disappeared as I scurried into the cozy house. The fireplace crackling as it produced warmth for the living room, and fresh, fudge brownies await me on the kitchen counter. The warm and sugary scent in the atmosphere took over my sense of smell. The feeling of comfort and safeness arises in my body as I settled in the microfiber couch. After she poured her steamy cup of coffee, she situates herself in her leather chair beginning our colloquy. As I consulted her about…
The movie that has been chosen for this essay is ‘Higher Learning’ written, directed, and produced by John Singleton. Higher Learning is the perfect example of characters having deviant behavior, but it also gives parallel with the characters knowing the behavior of themselves and willing to make change within themselves for the better. ‘Higher Learning’ is a movie that is centered around Columbus University college campus and explores the lives of several characters in the movie. The movie…
Knight’s Chocolates Roman Knight enjoyed chocolate very much and curious in how it was made, so he and his sister decided to experiment with chocolate and candy recipes at their mom’s kitchen years before Roman decides to open his chocolate store. Roman was so fascinated with how chocolate and candy was made he decided to visit candy and chocolate makers, so that they would teach him the process of making chocolate and confections. After Roman got the confidence to do chocolate and confection…