For many people, the immensely popular television show, Pawn Stars, which airs almost daily on the History Channel, is just a long running cable show with a funny name. The reality series centers around The World-Famous Gold and Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada. The shop was started by Richard “Old Man” Harrison, and is now operated by his son, Rick Harrison and Rick’s son Corey. Also involved in the family business is Corey’s lifelong friend, Austin Lee Russell, affectionally known as…
Jimmy yet again created another group, called Jimmy James and the Blue Flames. In an attempt to put his name out there they played in many various Greenwich Village cafés and clubs. After a few months passed, Jimmy had an image that went with him; the phenomenal guitarist. Jimi was finally getting his foot in the door. In 1966 while Jimi was performing at a gig, Linda Keith spotted him. Linda was a British model and she was also dating the Rolling Stone’s guitarist, Keith Richards. She…
invented in the early 1900’s. It was the new kind of guitar which sound through an amplifier, which is powered by electricity. Many brands soon made electric guitars of their own to sell, brands such as Gibson, Fender, Martin, etc. They had made electric guitars with a distinct style and sound. Some were common and affordable and some were expensive and rare. Many famous acclaimed bands and musicians had played the electric…
I thought I saw a ghost. Before I came home from the Marine Corps, I’d cashed my Savings Bonds, a little over five thousand dollars, and spent some months traveling through Australia, from Canberra to the Gold Coast to Melbourne and the Twelve Apostles. I returned when I ran out of money. After four years of sporadic visits home on leave, all I wanted, now, was to go somewhere that was vaguely familiar, to feel some faint connection to a past I’ll never again touch. I get this instead. “Oh my…
The electric guitar is the culmination of thousands of years of history and great effort to enhance the music that we know and love today. It has changed the way we use it in music in our recordings and live performances and still is a dominant instrument in many music genres. To really understand this particular instrument, one must understand its: definition, history, construction, uses, and prevalence/impact in music. To know what an electric guitar is, one must understand just what a guitar…