An extracurricular activity is any activity other than standard courses taken in school that is chosen upon personal preference. I personally think that everyone should be involved with extracurricular activities because pursuing new possible interests is always a good idea.There will be numerous times in each person’s life when getting out of their comfort zone is necessary so why not get comfortable with new things now? Extracurricular activities have positive impacts on everyone involved;…
Extracurricular Activities Schools offer so many different, extra things, from drama, to sports, speech, FFA, BPA (Business Professionals of America), etc. A lot of kids are involved in all of these activities. Some are even involved in more than one of those activities. But, there are also a big percentage of kids that aren’t involved in anything. Do you think kids should be involved in extras? Or let them decide what they want to do? In a lot of schools there are kids who go out for…
One of the extracurricular activity that I am in is called FCCLA. FCCLA stands for Family, Career, and Community, Leaders of America. This one extracurricular activity is important to me, because of the fact that it helps to develop my personality and a to better understand and to better cultivate my potential to the fullest. The impact that this organization had on me was in the positive manner of speaking. It helped me to see that life is full of drama, mistakes,…
Participation in extracurricular activities at the school a. I did not participate in extracurricular activities at my schools. There was an opportunity to attend a concert that my fourth graders preformed. However, I had a wake the night of the concert and was unable to attend. There were not many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities in Annandale and St. Michael. I had no ties with the communities and cooperating teachers were not involved with extracurriculars. 3.…
lack of sleep is due to stress and keeping up with one’s strenuous coursework and extracurricular activities. In today’s society, teenagers are expected to participate…
When it comes to their kid’s extracurricular activities parents usually sympathy’s and try not pressure them to make decision on the spot weather if they want to participate on them or not. So when parents ask their kids if they want to participate in any activity most of the time their kids will say no. Then when some parent’s wants to know why they don’t want to participate kids try to explain that either they don’t like a certain activity or maybe they are not good it, and sometimes…
spend in high school challenges like homework, circadian rhythm imbalance, and extracurricular activities, may cause some setbacks to a student’s goal for success. It is possible to overcome such challenges, but as more time consuming dilemmas arise the time remaining for slumber will only decrease. As a result, students start losing sleep because of the multiple assignments of homework, long hours of extracurricular activity participation, and even restless nights due to the change in a…
when it comes to those who come from underprivileged backgrounds. Schools help with the development of children and give them knowledge of the world. In addition to the basic curriculum, schools give kids the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, like arts programs and…
Positive Impact of Extra-Curricular Activities Color guard is a part of the marching band and it is just as much a sport as football. Marching band has evolved over the years. In 1956 the VFW (Veteran of Foreign Wars) Post 342 corps became the first recognized competitive drum corps called the Phantom Regiment, with an all-girl color guard called the Phantomettes. By 1970 the group included a 24-person color guard. As color guard continued to evolve, color guards looked for ways to outdo each…
routine consists of eight hours a school, followed by two to three hours of extra curricular activities, just to get home in time to finish at least three hours of homework, eat, shower, and go to sleep at a reasonable time, just to wake up and do it all over again. Teens in high school are now learning more material then ever and are expected to have a job along with being in extracurricular activities.…