Jordan Guthrie Ms. Garrett English 12 4 Feb 16 Why Censor Religion in North Korea and China? Censorship is a hard thing to explain and why people would censor religion is just crazy. Certain countries will censor everything and not let them use the internet or talk to people outside of their country to learn about, or even hear about things going on in the world. North Korea will not let people who live there use the internet, because they do not want people who live there to find out how…
The Church Growth Movement: Doing Business with Christ The largest Protestant denomination in the United States is the Southern Baptist Convention. It became the largest by consistently baptizing an average of 379,711 people annually. From 1950 to 2011 Southern Baptists baptized an average of 379,711 people annually. Only twice during that time did the numbers dip more than 10 percent below that average. But in 2012 the decline was 13 percent off the average—the worst drop in sixty-two years.…
Introduction: While conducting research for my genogram, I began to understand the scale of my grandpa’s abuse. On my dad’s side, he has fifteen brothers and sisters. He grew up incredibly poor and my grandparents viewed children as a mean for income rather than for child-raising. Because of their socio-economic status and because my great-grandparents were direct immigrants from Germany following the late famine in the 19th century, my grandparents physically abused all of their children. This…
After his conversion experience, Wilberforce sought to stand behind a worthy cause rather than promote his selfish ambitions to further his career. On October 28, 1787, Wilberforce wrote a statement in his diary that would set the course for his life. He declared that “God almighty has placed before me two great Objects—the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners.” During this time, the slave trade was a powerful entity within the British empire. The Society of Friends, or…
Gordon’s purpose in writing The Master Plan of Evangelism was to examine the evangelism principles used by Jesus Christ (called “The Master” by Dr. Gordon in the book) during the days of His flesh. Dr. Coleman emphasizes the fact that his purpose was not to study and write about the methods used by Jesus but rather the principles which governed the methods. The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ evangelistic ministry are the single source used by Dr. Coleman in this volume. Jesus’ plan while He walked…
I was engaged once in my life. My girlfriend desire to get married was so extent that she bought the engagement ring. I was very immature handling relationships, and that usually left me with a heap of misfortunes. I did not care for her, and I took the relationship as a sport. I was unfaithful to her many times over. When I finally had enough courage to leave her for another girl, I did. At first she did not know the full extend to why I had left her. She continually made attempts to win me…
to understand the experiences of consolation and desolation. Dirks says that “even though the discernment of spirits seems to be an obvious pathway for any believer to attend to, most people fail to process these inner leanings. In Protestant evangelicalism, most spiritual formation stays focused in the realm of thought, information and then behaviour. Little or no consideration is given to the subjective realm.” I know there are lots of books on discernment of spirits and the importance of…
It is the idea “firmly embodied at the heart of the Protestant revolution that all Christians have the right to interpret the Bible for themselves.” This “idea” enabled the scholars and thinkers to do an in-depth examination of the doctrines and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in the light of Scripture. McGrath brings to light in his study the shortcomings of the teachings of Catholicism and the abuses of the clergy hierarchy which brought about the need for change. This dangerous idea…