Massachusetts, the characters in the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton are profoundly impacted by the challenges and struggles that result from the austere surroundings. As a member of New York City’s elite upper class, Edith Wharton wrote numerous books with a setting in New York City and the upper class. However, Ethan Frome has a very different setting and the characters, therefore go through very different challenges and struggles. The plot of Ethan Frome often results from challenges…
12/3/15 American Lit. H Period H Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Study Guide Questions Beginning of Chapter 2: 1. The narrator learns from the other characters that Ethan Frome is about 52 years old, he is stuck in Starkfield, Massachusetts to take care of his sick wife Zeena, and he has been in an accident about 24 years ago and has a scar on the right side of his face. Knowing this information makes the narrator want to know more about Ethan. 2. Ethan’s house is an old, falling apart…
Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome is structured specifically to create an aura of suspense and thrill. The prologue acts to give a fleeting insight to the mysterious character of Ethan Frome, but intentionally neglects to offer an explanation as to why he is in his current condition, thus keeping the audience on their toes. Such strategies used by Wharton create an overall effect of mystery and confusion until the very end. The switch of point of view to third person omniscient puts readers in a front…
Analytical Book Report “…and I say, if she’d ha’ died, Ethan might ha’ lived; and the way they are now, I don’t see’s there’s much difference between the Fromes up at the farm and the Fromes down in the graveyard; ‘cept that down there they’re all quiet, and the women have got to hold their tongues” (77). Ethan Frome is a fictional drama and romance novella written by Edith Wharton. Throughout this story, the protagonist, Ethan Frome, must contend with some difficult aspects of his past. This…
symbolism in her novel Ethan Frome to provide descriptions about the characters and their personalities. Ethan, Zeena, and Mattie are symbolized by colors many times throughout Ethan Frome, and are all symbolized by a specific color as well. Zeena is representative of the color black, as it represents her darkness. Mattie is representative of the colors white and red, as it shows her effervescent personality, but reveals her turbulent side as well. The color grey represents Ethan, and his…
elaborately, is shown in her novel Ethan Frome and short story “Roman Fever.” In both, she uses descriptive imagery which brings the reader into the story. In Ethan Frome, Wharton describes the setting in a way that brings you there. She uses pieces from the environment as images to give a grand visual. The setting is described in immense detail. Wharton described the harsh Starkfield winters, and compared them to the main character, Ethan Frome. Her words while introducing Ethan Frome into…
Significance of Setting in Ethan Frome In the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, the setting plays a significant role in many facets including the plot, the decisions of the characters, and the development of the overall atmosphere. The setting of the novel, Starkfield, is a cold, lifeless place with long winters that often make the townspeople downhearted. The town’s six month winters cause the people to stay indoors and keep to themselves. The long, bleak winters also have a remarkable…
The short story, Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton transfered the idea that with all love, conflict emerges and can possibly destroy affection. The author compiled a journey through which the main character, Ethan Frome, discovered that social ideals and expectations can contradict with one’s yearnings. Ethan Frome went through an emotional voyage over rough seas from the beginning to the end. Frome, a married man in Starkfield, a town in Massachusetts, was anchored down by his wife’s disability.…
In Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, Ethan is shown to have many internal and external problems. This brings the question, “What is the primary cause for these problems?” into the readers mind. Many readers would say it is Zeena and her illness always bringing Ethan down. Some people say it is Maddie leading him on to get with her. The real source of all of Ethan’s problems is where he lives, Starkfield. Starkfield has basically ruined Ethan’s chance of true happiness from the beginning by holding…
Edith Wharton’s novel, Ethan Frome, takes place in the fictional, small town of Starkfield. The novel is divided into three main parts: a twelve page introduction, nine short chapters, and a brief conclusion. The introduction is a short description of Ethan Frome’s life in Starkfield up until the story begins, the nine chapters describe the events of four February days around the late 1890s, and the conclusion is a brief description of what happens after these four days. This small town, wintery…