Insert Title Here Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, is a notorious gang that originated in Los Angeles after many Central Americans fled the civil war in the 80’s. Most founding members come from El Salvador, where the civil war continued from 1980 to 1992. Although it was established nearly three decades ago, MS-13 continues to bolster across the globe. In America, MS-13 continues to make headlines in American news media outlets with some stating “MS-13 gang member charged in death of man…
After his close encounter of the dumbest kind, Freddie walks into a small driveway that leads to the back of the building. Once in the back, he sees four green dumpsters and several boys carrying boxes with the exact dimensions and labeling from one building to another. Back and forth, they go moving swiftly like toy soldiers. Without a doubt, the kids must have robbed a store or something. Nevertheless, he pays the boys no never mind and commences to climb into the dumpsters on a mission. “Dam…
A major finding in this country report was the following: In recent years Mexico has experienced economic growth and overall quality of life for its citizens has improved but it is still short of being fully developed country. It was also found that the United States and Mexico have increasingly close ties whether it be social politically, or economically. With a Mexican population of about 33.5 million living in the United States (The World Factbook), having knowledge on one’s neighbors and…
political minority in the island, falling behind the statehood advocates and those who advocate maintaining free association with the United States. Puerto Rico has its own constitution, created in 1952, which deemed the official title of the island “Estado Libre Asociado” or Free Associated State, in English; however, that is not the title that was given to Puerto Rico in English. The English title given to Puerto Rico is “Commonwealth”. One would ask why the change of translation in the title…
"The imperialists cannot forgive us to have carried out a socialist revolution under the very noses of the Yankees". In this way on January 1st, 1959 then leader of the 26th of July Movement, Fidel Castro led thousands of guerilla fighters and ordinary citizens of Cuba to overthrow the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship. Fighting the regime of Batista on both urban and rural fronts, the Movement was able to successfully integrate into power in Cuba. The Revolutionary government in its early days was…
1. In what ways, does Cortázar evoke the concept of ‘the double’ in his stories, and to what effect? Introduction Led from Cortázar's imagination are many of his short stories that represents surrealistic and horrific events. By allowing the fantasy to dictate the world through his characters’ lives, he ponders between unreal/real like events. He has a fascination with the double in his collection such as concepts of reality versus dream; and the self and the other, creates layers that can form…
ABSTRACT N-Myristoyltransferase (NMT) is an attractive target for the development of novel antimalarial drugs. In this paper, we report a hologram quantitative structure-activity relationship (HQSAR), a comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), and a comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) studies on a series of benzo[b]thiophene-containing selective inhibitors of plasmodial NMT. Two QSAR models were constructed, one for Plasmodium falciparum NMT and another for Homo…