The tragedy known as the Holocaust was the systematic murder of 6 million Jews (Strahinich 7). However, not only Jews were ruthlessly murdered by the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the Nazi Party. Approximately 5 million gypsies, handicapped people, Soviets, homosexuals, Slavs, and anyone deemed sub-human by the Nazi regime also perished in the Holocaust (Strahinich 8). The Holocaust took place mainly in Germany and its annexed countries like Poland, but it was present in…
Pamplona, Spain Raphael Heydemann 6017 Rayna Kozareva 6013 Table of Content Pamplona, Navarre………………………………………………………………………. 2 The Mediterranean Diet…………………………………………………………………. 2 Restaurant Iruña Description……………………………………………………………. 2 A la carte Menu…………………………………………………………………………. 3 Degustation Menu………………………………………………………………………. 4 Dessert Menu…………………………………………………………………………… 5 Wine List………………………………………………………………………………... 6 Mediterranean Diet Products……………………………………………………………. 8…
Survivor: Scared White Family Edition There’s a running tradition in my family. Every summer we go to Lake George, NY for a few days. Lake George is the birthplace of some of my most treasured memories with my family. My most treasured, and I must say most traumatizing, memory was the hike of our 2013 trip. This hike had my uncle going on about it hiking on a scenic trail in the mountains with a gorgeous view near where we were staying There’s a running tradition in my family. Every summer we…
Some people believe racism is not a problem anymore. This is not true. Despite a prevailing attitude that we live in a post-racial society in the United States, prejudice is pervasive and informs every aspect of our society. Racism, specifically anti-black sentiment, is not only alive in the present day, but heavily and disturbing prevalent. Post-racial societies don’t feature anti-blackness, deliberate appropriation of black culture, and rampant police brutality that is directed towards the…
The way a child thinks and learns different things is very compelling. In Room by Emma Donoghue, the five year old character, Jack, has a particularly interesting mind due to his situation. He is very different than other kids as he spent the first five years of his life in a room with no knowledge of the outside world, and no interaction with anyone other than his mom. There are many psychological theories that Emma Donoghue applied using Jack; the “Conscious Competence Ladder”, the…
Holocaust impacted many of its survivors in such a way that a loss of faith was not uncommon, due to the inhumanity of the camps and the loss of freedom. Many survivors of the holocaust renounced their religion due to the lack of faith of their god. Dora Lefkowitz is an example of the loss of faith during the holocaust. She remarked “I cannot see a God who will allow a little baby to be killed for no reason at all. And I really lost my belief, then, right there and then…What did they do so…
Dora Halter Thomas Rodgers The United States since 1877 October 16, 2024 Chapter 5: “Ball Park” In chapter 5 “Ballpark”, Gunther Barth’s City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth-Century America, Barth argues that baseball in itself shaped urban America, shaping mass media, mass entertainment, as well as cultural identity. Baseball created a sense of belonging and shared experiences while influencing social dynamics and the creation of sports journalism. By exploring how…
Grese continued on her rampage of torture and death. Dora Szafran testified at the Belsen trail that, “Grese had beaten a girl very severely.” She and the other camp supervisors maintained their daily selections, beatings, and humiliation. She attempted to maintain control in a situation that quickly spiraled out of her control and lead to the complete destruction of the Nazi regime. She extended her reign of terror on to Bergen-Belsen. One victim named Helene Klein stated, “Grese beat them…
As it is known, Lafreniere Park, is the “heart of the Jefferson Parish.” It is a lovely natural green space which provides peacefulness to the community. Lafreniere Park is important to the community because it provides a huge amount of activities and services. As it welcome website states: “With careful planning and vigilant nurturing for more than three decades, the park now sports multiple use lawns, fountains, family picnic areas, hills, landscaped gardens, boating, fishing, paths, a…
It was the darkest of days. Stephen King would have nightmares about something like this. There was no biblical term to describe how devastatingly catastrophic this was. Armageddon would be a paper cut compared to this. It’s something no little boy should ever have to go through. It was the day my mother said those dreadful words: “You’re gonna have a little sister.” I could almost hear the music from Psycho playing. I thought it was a joke; it must have been. My mom had enough on her plate with…