The seductive mistress of science has not alluded the minds of the few that know how to innovate it and the masses who take advantage of it every day. Whether the advancement be in the realm of medicine or in the dominion of electronics, humans use the application of the field as a positive benefit in their lives. However, science can easily be transformed into something devastating and harmful to the human race; scientists have been able to design the cure for polio as well as atomic technology…
There were many different images that were portrayed in Persepolis, both written and in the pictures that she used in the story. Every image tells a different story, and when put together, they show the bigger picture. In Marjane Satrapi’s novel, she uses graphic images of the themes imperialism, social classes, and revolution to explain what happened in Iran during her childhood. Marjane Satrapi's use of graphic images within her entire book portrayed how imperialism has affected her life in…
Being a female today means being a fragile, sensual caregiver that takes care of the strong, balanced protector to maintain the traditional functionalist theory that has been used as a general gender concept for years. Women are expected to be frail, fragile beings who have unstable emotions while being submissive to their male counterparts. The male counterpart is expected to be a dominant, strong being who has a balance of emotions and applies logical reasoning to their thinking. The divergent…
danger of reproduction, and monstrous births by looking at Aristotle's Generation of Animals. Then I will discuss the male versus female conflict that arises in Hesiod’s Theogony as Gaia establishes herself as a force of nature and a threat to male dominion because of her parthenogenetic abilities. Following this, I observe two other representations of feminine monsters, Scylla and Circe, to discuss first how monstrous representations of female sexuality can be depicted in Greek literature in a…
Sir John A. MacDonald: The Greatest Canadian Sir John A. Macdonald’s strong leadership skills and accomplishments contribute to how Canada is a great nation by, becoming the first prime minister, forming Canada into one country and arguing for women’s rights. He successfully maintained the country, even though he had many hardships. Macdonald was one the most important people in Canadian politics. Firstly, Macdonald had set a precedent when he became the first prime minister of Canada (Johnson…
shown that the use of fossil fuels is causing damage to our planet. At the beginning of time God gave humanity the responsibility of ruling over the earth, “And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2008, Gen 1:28). From God’s example, we know that a good ruler considers the…
31st, 1867, John. A. Macdonald became Canada’s first Prime Minister (Johnson 2013). He played an important role in the British North America Act. It brought together four new provinces; Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia to form the Dominion of Canada. These figures are important in Canada’s…
descending into the Underworld, Aeneas demonstrates heroism through courageousness. He visits Anchises to get an understanding of the legacy that he will leave after he establishes Rome, such as the “golden” reign of Augustus Caesar, who will “extend our dominion”. This allows him to be fully conscious of the gods’ will. “Aeneas the True” will eventually grow to become true to his duties as a leader to his state, followers and his family, as well as being truly devoted to his duty…
Do you ever realise how attached we are to cell phones and how much we are dependant on them? Sadly most people do not realise this dependability that they have towards these devices, however Nicholas Carr, the author of “How Smartphones Hijack Our Mind,” took this into account and created an argument using statistics to improve credibility, precise word choice, and cause and effect situations to reiterate how we are being pulled into the devices. Carr included numerous experiments and…
robbing the territory (Doc. D, paragraph 3). Americans brought slaves to Mexico even though slaves were illegal (Doc. D, paragraph 3). “Mexico, on achieving her independence of the Spanish Crown… decreed the abolition of human slavery within her dominions, embracing the province of Texas…” (Doc. D, paragraph 1). So, Mexico got rid of slavery. “Slaveholders crossed the Sabine [river between Louisiana and Texas] with their slaves, in defiance of the Mexican ordinance of freedom.” (Doc. D,…