Absurdity in The Outsider Albert Camus, one of the eminent French novelist, essayist and playwright is often considered as a nihilist, or extreme absurdist who believes that life is senseless and useless. ‘The Outsider’, Camus’s first novel is a representation of his absurd thinking about the world. The use of the term ‘absurd’ in literature is a vehicle for writers to explore and represent those elements in the world that do not make sense and ‘The Outsider’ is one of the beautiful…
The topic I chose to discuss in this essay is the Original Creation of the Earth. In this essay, I will discuss, compare and contrast the viewpoints of the Nebular Hypothesis vs. the six-day creation from the Old-Earth Secular View and Young-Earth Secular View. The Young Earth creationist believes that the Earth was created in the six-day creation and the old earth creationist believes that the Earth was created billions of years ago during the time of evolution of the Solar System. It’s really…
Native American Mythology The Natives did not have the same creation stories. Although they were similar, the natives had creation stories about humans, and animals being created, or just simply why things turned out to be what they are today. There are many native mythologies that have been told on from generations to generations, three of these out of many are The Earth on the Turtles Back, The Navajo Origin Legend, and When Grizzlies Walked Upright. Three of these stories all share the same…
ancient being that holds within him the cosmos, while Hawaiian creation folklore tells more of an event which created the universe, not really a person. These myths are supposed to explain that which is unknown as in the ancient world one did not have much time to think about the creation of the universe when the whole tribe is starving. These myths serve a different purpose as well, as we can see through history the Gods or God are used to justify actions taken by the followers. For example,…
When writing The Stranger, Albert Camus had other intentions than just giving his audience some story about the life of an indifferent man. The novel itself gives the main character, Meursault, a way of thinking that some would find unimaginable and incomparable to any character that might be seen in another piece of literature. While the book makes an attempt at making sure the reader understands the philosophy of Meursault while progressing through his timeline, the philosophy Meursault…
Time is the ultimate test for the workings of man; time can destroy what is stone and obscure what is memory. Time affects all men, no matter how great the distance between their lands or how vast the expanse between their cultures. No matter the people, no matter the ideals, the wonder at creation is driven by curiosity; stories of creation exist in every culture you find, and even though each story varies greatly in characters and settings, they all revolve around an indescribable reason for…
great. Bethany Hamilton is both brave, and dedicated. Bethany has never given up her dreams even after a shocking yet horrifying incident occurring only at the age of fifteen. Bethany’s story of courage can easily be categorized the same as both “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Albert Camus, and “I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great” by Stephen Spender. Both pieces of literature connect to Bethany Hamilton because they are both about being brave, and fighting through suffrage,…
novel “is never anything but a philosophy expressed in images” (Kellman). In his works, such as The Stranger, he envelops the ideal of absurdism, which the Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary & Cultural Criticism states that, drawn upon from The Myth of Sisyphus, includes the idea that “in a world without God, human life and human suffering have no intrinsic meaning.” The philosophy stemmed from and closely resembles existentialism, which sees the predicament of existence as “beginning with a…
The Cherokee speak the story of a young man: One day, while out hunting in the forest, the man came across a bear. He fired off arrow after arrow at the beast, but could not bring it down. Eventually the bear stopped running, and stood up, pulling the arrows out of his body and holding them towards the man. The hunter realized he had stumbled across a medicine bear, “protected by magic”. The bear, after promising he would do the man no harmed, led him back to his home. It was a cold winter,…
Dispersed all throughout the world, are different perspectives on how we came to be, these are known as creation stories. Two of the many, would be the Christian creation story, Genesis, and the Greek creation story. Between Greek and Genesis, they share traits that are akin, as well as traits that differ from each other. The three elements within the two stories are the settings, characteristics, and the religious beliefs or cultural values. Within the stories, there is a different perspective…