For many years, the English department at the University of Virginia has been editing classic novels. Classics such as Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” H. G. Wells’ “The Time Machine,” or Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights” have been revised by a member of the English department at U.Va. They work to connect to a more general, modern, audience rather than other scholars. Many are opposed to the editing of classic literature, for example, the NAACP declares “You don 't…
England, however, there existed a form of direct democracy. This was in the New England Confederation. It was an inter-colonial alliance between the Bay Colony and Plymouth in Massachusetts, and New Haven and the scattered valley settlements in Connecticut. Each region had 2 votes, that all male colonists could take part in. This was the first united representative government in America. The Chesapeake region again sits in the middle between the extremes of New England and the Southern…
Traces of democracy have been linked backed as far as the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans. From the ideas of the Ancient Romans and Greeks, the idea came to inspire the colonists of America in the Pre-Revolutionary War era. Democracy in the Colonies could be coined with the term because these said colonies had several of the same traits as the “Traits of Democracy.” The development of democracy in Colonial America can be analyzed because of the “traits.” Democracy in Colonial America…
Phineas Taylor Barnum is one of the most famous showmen in America. He was born July 5, 1810 and died April 7, 1891. During his lifetime, P.T Barnum invented the circus and he was the reason we have the three-ring circles in the circus. The movie The Greatest Showman tries to portray P.T Barnum’s life. There is a lot of similarities and differences between the movie The Greatest Showman and real life on P.T Barnum life. Some similarities are what he did before the circus and who he worked with.…
The American Revolution was a political conflict where colonists in new American colonies fought against English authority, and founded their own country, the United States of America. Being continents apart, colonial America and Britain were very different and required new ways of life. America was seen as a safe haven for anyone and everyone. Religious toleration and new economic opportunities were a big part of its rise. New lifestyles were made and new laws and systems were beginning to…
LESSON PLAN THREE OF THREE 1) Class Makeup 2nd period: This class holds twenty-eight students and is the most advanced class that I observe. This class is the most well-behaved of the three classes and seems to comprehend the material more easily than the other three classes that I observe. From my observation, the class is about sixteen males and twelve females. Of all the classes I observe they are all predominately white, with only six minority students between all three classes. This…
Boston, Massachusetts, Richmond, Virginia, and Chicago, Illinois Massachusetts was one of the original thirteen colonies. Illinois was a state gain in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The population in Boston increased over the years of 1800 to1860. Boston and Chicago saw a different market revolution then the South states. The North saw manufacturing cities then economy in farm. The old northwest saw a move to a settled society, with a web of new transportation and urban rural neighborhoods.…
Comparison of New England and Southern Colonies British New World Colonies were established in different regions of the present day East Coast of North America, but the motives for establishment, social, political, and economic aspects couldn’t have varied more greatly. The different terrains of land and relationships with Britain seemed to set the colonies and their settlers more different than alike, but with their shared economic roots in agriculture, variant importance of religion, and “a…
I think the British won the war because they had a superior military force under the leadership of man by the name of William Pitt. Along with the troops that were in the colonies, the British were able to make a comeback on a war that had almost lost in the beginning. From then on, the British had captured several French territories and strongholds, such as the city of Quebec. The French then became weaker and weaker as the British grew stronger and stronger. I think democracy is indeed…
Marblehead was established as a fishing community in 1649 and trade with cities became a major source of income for many of the town’s inhabitants. One of the most efficient ways to transport goods at this time was by train. For my Area of Inquiry project I would like to research the history of the trade by means of train into and out of the town. My project will start with research of the Boston and Maine Railroad Company. This information can be found on various websites for and about the…