The lesson is made for the students to become food detectives and use all of their five senses to determine what unlabeled foods are what. The lesson starts off with the students watching videos of each of the five senses to understand them better. Once all of the videos are watched, the students assemble in to groups and work on their observations of the different foods through their five senses. After their chart of observations, they have the chance to play a fun and interactive five senses…
The amount of diverse learners is increasing more rapidly every day. The traditional method of teaching no longer meets the needs of all classroom students and can sometimes be ineffective. When teachers address each individual student’s needs, and interest, the students are more likely to learn or will likely be motivated to learn. While responding…
In 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model, MaryEllen Vogt and Jana Echevarria offer research-based and verified techniques for putting together SIOP lessons. These ideas and activities are aimed at promoting differentiated instruction in the classroom and include new approaches to lesson planning and activities as well as numerous familiar, time-tested ideas that simply serve to remind teachers of the tools and methodologies they have at their disposal. While…
teachers believe the majority of students learn the same way and pace. Most believe, the more rigorous and the more repetitiveness of the material is correlates are successful methods for learning. I have been exposed to various types and styles of teaching and most they all have worked for different students at one point or another. But there have been many times throughout my formative and college years I’ve sat in a class and after seemingly hours of being lectured I realized that I didn’t…
Thinking about what really makes up an effective teacher should be something that crosses your mind more than once. Especially when you are on your way to becoming one yourself. There are two points under the characteristics of effective teachers section: clarity and organization and warmth and enthusiasm. Then they have a larger section under the two points dedicated to teacher knowledge. These characteristics described by the book are correct. Together they do create an effective teacher.…
Lesson Plan Information Name: Canny Rendon School Name: Stirling Elementary Grade Level: Second Grade Class/Group Size: Four students Subject Area: Language Arts/Reading Lesson Plan Topic: Reading Comprehension Lesson Plan Title: Looking for Story Elements and Central Message Time Frame: 45 minutes Learner Profile: This group is made up of four-fifth graders, who are ESE students and they are reading at 2nd grade level. This group consists of two females, and two males. Standards Benchmark…
Teachers get extremely upset when a student is distracted on a certain object or have non-stop talking about a specific topic with their peers. Many children with Asperger syndrome get misread of their behavior. They are either sent away to the office or get their object taken away from the teacher. Children become upset and feel that something is wrong with them therefore they bring up misbehaviors. But in reality teacher can make a difference with the obsessive behavior and engage it into the…
form, the self-evaluation form for the self-assessment/reflection, and 3 students surveys from each of the three classes that I taught for the student feedback (see Appendix 1). Area of strength An area of strength for my teaching practice would be the different teaching methods and multiple forms of literacy that I’ve included in the lessons, as I have been trying to do a different activity for each lessons, or includes visual, music, and videos in the lessons to give students different…
implemented more often: supportive communication, formal collaboration, beginning teacher seminars or classes, and common planning time (Kang & Berliner, 2012). Three practices were found to influence teachers’ decision to remain in their current teaching assignments: seminars or classes for novice teachers, common planning time, and extra classroom assistance (Kang & Berliner,…
a) How did it go? When reflecting on Sweeney elementary school field day and teacher observation, I could make many comparisons to the Book Becoming a Master Teacher. When running field day activities you noticed right away a universal discipline was employed. The system was more on the side of assertive disciple, when seeing students off task or misbehaving they would receive a warning, when continuing to misbehave they would be asked to sit-out or be removed from the activity. This system…