High temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEMFCs) are a promising clean technology, especially for automobile applications.1 These devices generate electricity from the chemical reactions that occur in the anode side of the cell, using H2 as a fuel and generating heat and water as by-products.2, 3 However, experimental studies using HT-PEMFCs show that degradation of the cell can occur after certain hours of operation (around 500 hours).4 Some of the factors that contribute to the…
But these channels aren’t only accessible to artists, but also to their parent label conglomerates, who in turn, may use these channels for revenue. This commercialization grew especially viable with the development of the fifth channel i.e., the distribution of music. Before one critiques or regards the level of top-down commercialization present in the music industry, it’s important to understand why that have created massive fan followings, which in turn, have been commoditized by artists and…
his account of the origins of capitalism in the 11th and 14th century population boom in medieval Europe during the golden age of European feudalism- nearly 500 years before Appleby or Wood begin their explanations due to a rejection of the commercialization model. Moore describes a Europe where “Cities grew. There was significant growth of manufacturing output and cash-crop agriculture, part and parcel of a generalized wave of commercial expansion throughout Afro-Eurasia.” (Moore 2002, p. 303)…
done in 20 years ago. Now women can decided when they want to have children and not have to worry about carrying a baby to full term, difficulties getting pregnant or having to turn to using donor eggs to carry a healthy full term baby. The commercialization of egg freezing has revolutionized reproduction for women in todays…
As her glazed eyes scan the familiar surroundings, no shades of color are revealed; the crimson of a blood-stained sky is swallowed by the blackness of night and the luminous gray of hazy fog concealed by the sterile white of the sun’s rays. A world that was no longer understood lay before her; how should she traverse it if there is no light to guide her? Many characters throughout the course have found their own definition of a guiding force: money for Rick Deckard, the road for the man and the…
After the arrival and conquest of the Aztec Empire by the Spaniards, the production and use of clothes in Mesoamerica changed drastically. The Spanish people banned most of the Prehispanic dresses and body adornment, as they were considered as “uncivilized.” Indigenous, European and Asian fabrics influenced Mexican clothing production by the mid colonial period. The Spanish did not appreciated the local cotton, nor did they find the material produced on traditional backstrap looms wide enough,…
Though the idea of cremation was initially controversial and political in nature, it has increased in popularity as more people want to keep their loved ones close to them. Many people choose to do this by having an object created from their loved ones ashes. One of the first people to patent objects made with cremation ashes was Albert Vanderlaan. His main idea was that “men of genius” (Vanderlaan 1927:1) could be memorialized with plaques mixed with their own ashes and be remembered forever…
popularity of professional basketball domestically and globally, and they have achieved this by fully submersing themselves with media outlets. Because of extensive national marketing, boosted salaries, societal preferences, fantasy sports, and commercialization of NBA players, the National Basketball Association has seen a rise in individualism throughout the league. The overall commercialism from large-scale exposure has diminished the competitive sprit of some athletes. Profits and large…
People all over the world practice a variety of different customs and traditions. What is your favorite tradition that you celebrate? My favorite is Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve. Halloween has a very long and fascinating history and its traditions have been changing and evolving into the holiday that we celebrate today. Halloween’s is thought to have originated from the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced sah-win) celebrated on November first. This was the day that…
The use of biochar on a widespread and large-scale has thus been shown to be greatly beneficial in the fight against climate change, as well as for sustainable soil management. But before this can be seriously implemented and developed into policy, scientific evidence must be expanded to fully cover implication of its use on soil properties, processes and functions (Verheijen et al 2012). Until this has been comprehensively quantified, regulations have a higher likelihood of unsuccessfully…