In Thief, this year’s franchise reboot by Eidos Montreal and released by Square Enix, drug use features prominently in the storyline of the game. Inspired by Victorian Era London, The City is rife with sickness, civil unrest and a thriving opium trade driven by the mysterious Gloom sickness, also called the Suicide Sickness . The only way to combat the Gloom was by using opium or drinking poppy milk. This did not cure the Gloom but seemed to help some deal with the horrible visions and feelings…
Migraines (Confirmed on medical certificate): In 2015 Demelsa was working as an au-pair in Australia, when she slipped in a bath and hit the back of her head receiving a concussion. She spent five days in hospital and then returned to New Zealand and was living in Dunedin with friends. This is when Demelsa says her migraines started. Demelsa reports a constant "base pain" which is a 7-8/10. She reports that she is now used to this pain. Three to four times a week she has an increase of…
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has a system for the classifying or scheduling of narcotics. The current system is imperfect and needs to be updated. The reason the DEA narcotic scheduling should be updated is because current research indicates that several of these narcotics should be placed in a different classification schedule or removed from the schedules. The issue that needs to be addressed is the characteristics certain narcotics and why those narcotics should be placed into…
everything piles up like this it’s hard to cope. I found myself breaking down and sobbing on an all too regular basis. I’m already taking slow release Tramadol, Paracetamol and Codeine for my pain. I also have Gabapentin for nerve pain and other issues. Please note, it is not generally advisable to take Tramadol and Codeine together. I have special permission from the pain clinic and have been given clear instructions on safe dosage. Please don’t ever take medication that is not prescribed…
After a survey, it is confirmed that one in every five people experienced chronic or long-term pain while 1 in 10 inhabitants are experiencing less or moderate one and, it’s not shocking that painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are part of every person medical cupboard. But what accurately is the distinction between the two drugs, and is one more effective or helpful than the other? A common question many doctors and pharmacists are asked is can you take ibuprofen and paracetamol at…
• Opiate pain medications (analgesics) may be used for short-term relief of disease flares and may include Codeine, Vicodin (hydromorphone-acetaminophen), or Percocet (hydrocodone-acetaminophen). • Urinary analgesics may also be helpful and include Pyridium (phenazopyridine) and Hiprex (methenamine). • Intravesical lidocaine – instillation of lidocaine with…
One such way this particular scene has managed to abuse it is by making something called lean. Lean is essentially promethazine with codeine (also known as a cough suppressant) mixed with some type of alcohol or sprite. The goal is to reach a high feeling of euphoria from the mixture. It has been highly popularized by artists such as Lil Wayne and Kanye West. This is slowly, but surely…
These drugs block the feeling of pain and should only used under a doctor’s direct care. Some of these drugs include Codeine Fentanyl (Duragesic), Hydrocodone ( Vicodin), Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Meperidine (Demerol), Morphine (MS Contin), Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, Percodan), and Tramadol (Ultram). These drugs are also addictive and some are illegal. Narcotics cause…
Drug abuse has been a problem from the foundation of the country. Opium and alcohol were some of the first substances that were used and abused in early American history. During the 1800s, developments in medicine led to the creation of morphine, codeine and cocaine. Initially, the drugs were unregulated and readily available. When it became clear that the drugs were a serious problem, regulations were developed and laws were made to help contain the problem. In 1906, regulations passed to…
Which is 22,000 people every year. Opioid painkillers (or also called narcotics), originate from the poppy plant and contain morphine and codeine. Prescription opioid drugs act on the same systems of your body as that of heroin and morphine, causing them to be prone to addiction (National Safety Council, NP). Narcotics are separated into different drug classes and schedules based on the effectiveness…