TransCanada uses GIS for data management, mapping, geospatial analysis, and sharing the data through the company standard GIS web mapping application. Some of the technical specifications and standards for TransCanada is ensuring data integrity. It is one of TransCanada’s mission to provide quality geospatial products and services to Operations and Engineering. A set of quality standards and technical specification has been established in order to ensure the data meets the required accuracy for…
Place and Identity Essay The term place can have several different meanings in geography. It is often thought of as a location of a town, city, or region on the Earth’s surface. More specifically, place can define the unique characteristics of a certain location whether it have a very significant meaning to you or no meaning at all. Places not only includes visual characteristics and features of a location but also the associations and feelings that come over us when we are reminded of it or go…
WALL-E Film Review In the future, the earth is a giant dumpster covered by technologies garbage. Humans flee from the Earth and leave millions of tiny robots to clean up their heaps of rubbish until the Earth is habitable for life. However, all of the robots stopped working after 700 years, except a robot who still laboriously does his job. The production of Pixar Animation Studio and Disney, WALL-E was a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film directed by Andrew Stanton. As an animated…
Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. Although the article Why Geography Matters mainly focuses on Europe and the Middle East the issues also applies to the Regional Geography of the United States and Canada. In the article, writer, Walter A. McDougall used an example of a student who had to learn geography…
How liveable is Chatswood? Features and Location Chatswood is a growing suburb of Sydney, located approximately 10.6 kilometres from the Sydney CBD via M1 by car. According to the 2011 Australian census, the population of Chatswood is 21,194. It has many parks and reserves, and is comprised of high-rise and low-rise buildings. The Lane Cove river also passes through Chatswood. Map showing location of Chatswood within Sydney = Transit White = Roads = Ocean = Greenery…
Andrew Herod has made significant contributions to the discourse of labour especially in relation to the organized labor. ‘Laour Geographies – Workers and the Landscapes of Capitalism’ further expands Herod’s work in this area by examining the spatial contexts and scales in which workers live and organize to address specific economic and political problems. At a time when there is much written on the decline and (ir)relevance of organized labor, this book makes a compelling case for recognizing…
it had been used for many centuries. It was used in the original thirteen colonies that became the United States based on the English common law. This system defined the boundaries of a parcel of land by using physical features of the local geography along with directions and distances. The boundaries are described in running prose style, working around the parcel in sequence from a beginning point and returning back to the same point. Features like rivers, tress, unusual rocks, stone…
In his most recent encyclical Pope Francis addressed the many problems facing our environment and called Christians to take action. He stated, "The idea of infinite or unlimited growth, which proves so attractive to economists, financiers and experts in technology ... is based on the lie that there is an infinite supply of the earth 's goods, and this leads to the planet being squeezed dry at every limit” (Francis). He continued to outline many excellent points surrounding the crisis. The…
cyber construct is sufficient to address the cyber domains unique geography. Next the paper will examine whether the national organizational structure tasked with cyber operations needs to be reorganized and subsequently require a change to the United States Code (USC). Finally, the paper will discuss that if a reorganization is required, which agency should be in charge of cyber security for the United States. Cyber Geography The emergence of the cyber domain has been uniquely different…
Land, according to Rossiter (1996), is defined as the area of the earth’s surface characterised by atmosphere, soil, underlying geology, hydrology and the biotic components such as plants and animals. These attributes bring into play a significant influence on the present and future uses of the land by us humans. The turned focus to land for the sourcing out of food, extraction of natural resources and as a source of income for individuals, has been a norm for years. Decisions on land use have…