people and promote nationalism. A protest at Kent State puts the theory of right to peacefully assemble and freedom of speech into question. On May 4th of 1970 this college becomes a killing ground disperse with the bodies of college students, as choices made by the government provide another example of how nationalism is more important than life and freedom. The students protesting Richard Nixon’s decision of involvement in the Vietnam War were…
The Kent state shooting may 1970 students protesting the bombing of Cambodia by the U.S military forces, when the Guardsman shot and killed four students on may 4th. The Kent state shooting became the focal Point of a nation deeply divided by the Vietnam war. By 1970, thousands of people in the U.S were actively protesting the Vietnam war. These protests usually were peaceful and included such things as burning draft cards, fleeing to Canada or some other country to escape the draft…
at Kent State justifiable? The shootings that happened at Kent State were not expected to happen, but they did. The protest got way out of hand when the protesters set the ROTC building on fire. “On April 30, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon appeared on national television to announce the invasion of Cambodia by the United States and the need to draft 150,000 more soldiers for an expansion of Vietnam War effort. This provoked massive protests on campuses throughout the country. At Kent…
The Kent State Massacre John Filo, photography major from Kent State, won the prestige Pulitzer Prize for his photo taken on the campus of Kent State University. Sadly the image captured fourteen Mary Vecchio screaming over the dead body of Jeffery Miller after he had been shot. Among Miller were three others who died after the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a chaotic protesting group of students on Kent State University. The shooting that occurred on May 4, 1970 will forever be known as…
The Lewis and Clark Expedition is most commonly known as the exploration that led to the westward expansion of the United States of America. William Clark is highly under-credited for his role as one of the two explorers on the trip with most of the credit given to Meriwether Lewis. William Clark is responsible for the making of maps along the journey, especially his master map of the West. Without the detailed maps that Clark created, there would have been a delay in westward expansion in an…
Meriwether Lewis is an American explorer who is known for his role as leader in the Lewis and Clark expedition. He was also the governor of the Louisiana Territory. He was also Jefferson’s private secretary, these two were close friends. Since Jefferson trusted Lewis, he let Lewis travel to D.C to deliver Jefferson’s classified information. During the Lewis’s travel to Washington, he visited Robert Grinder’s Inn to rest but while he was there he died. The death was murder by conspiracy. In…
Jada Rowe Mrs. Dwiggins Computers 1 04 September 2016 Lewis and Clark expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was the first expedition though the western portion of the United States. This expedition was so important to the United States today because it is how we found everything from St. louis west to the pacific ocean. Meriwether lewis and William Clark were the leaders of the expedition, and there were 59 people that went with them. Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 in…
A Book Review of The Donner Party's Perilous Journey West by Ethan Rarick This book review will examine the historic travels of the Donner Party in The Donner Party's Perilous Journey West by Ethan Rarick. Rarick wrote this book in July 8th, 2009, which provides a current historical and fictional evaluation of the Donner Party’s tragic journey to California. Oxford University Press, a prestigious academic publisher, is the publisher of this book. This book is comprised of 304 pages, which tell…
Sacagawea Sacagawea, Sacajawea, or Sakakawa was her name. She was a major contribution in one of America’s famous expeditions, and the only women of 33 who were in the group. “Corps of Discovery,” is what many called the westward expedition of the United States. Sacagawea now symbolizes U.S culture and female strength. Daughter of a Shoshone chief, Sacagawea was born in 1788 in Lemhi County, Idaho. Unfortunately most of her early years remains a mystery. At the young age of twelve she was…
release of the Pentagon Papers. Many protests broke out and some protesters were killed for professing their dislike for the number of men in the War, which “Ohio” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young covered and told the horrid stories of the Protests at Kent State. Each song tells a story in its own way, providing its intake on a situation while in song but also gave the people a reason for hope. Music was like a safety beacon for those whose minds were broken during the era of the Vietnam War,…