people have the right to live healthy and pain free, should also be applied when they are sick and suffering wanting to be at peace. According to the author Sheryl Grey Stolberg in the New York Times, May 11th 1999, the founder of hospice Dame Cicely Saunders talks about, "You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die." This suggests that all people have the right to…
Kept on Life Support In discussion of life support, many question if people should be kept on life support. In one controversial issue is that in some occasions some people should not be on life support. On one hand, everybody is human in that they want to live, so they should have the right to be kept on life support. On the other hand, some may disagree with others because if they are hurting then they should not be on life support and should be able to leave this place. People should not be…
The writer intends to reflect on and critically analyse the provision of palliative care within her clinical setting, a twenty-one bedded medical unit, with reference to one case study in particular, as well as on a more general level based on her experiences to date. The writer intends to discuss one case study in reference to the guiding principles of palliative care and the concept of a good death in relation to that individuals care and the setting in general. A high proportion of patients…
Ethical: value and principle Justice involves the respect of people, the decisions they make and their personal rights. Not allowing an individual to partake in dignifies death is associated to the righteousness and liabilities of charity. Charity entails that we aid in allowing people’s lives to become satisfactory. There are people all throughout the world dying from starvation and terminal illnesses. Ethically it is challenging to reason that because one did not donate additionally to…