I have included a table comparing my diet’s food group servings in comparison to the CFG recommended servings. It is evident that my diet did not conform to the serving numbers recommended in CFG. I’m not consuming nearly enough milk or grain products while my meat and alternatives intake is astronomical in comparison. I predicted that my milk and alternatives score would be very low as I don’t include dairy products in my diet other than chocolate milk and creamer in coffee. Because of the…
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The House of Creepy Mr. Ping-Pong I sat on the floor doused in yellow liquid moonlight mingled with shadows, waiting. But for what? A chance to escape? The window was hopeless—small and too high for me to reach. For someone to rescue me? That was unlikely to happen. No one knew where I was. I’m trapped, I thought. In silence—ensnared by insatiable psychos. The door creaked open, and standing in front of me was a tall, muscular man with spiked hair and a smile that was all top…