Text 2: Vergil’s Aeneid, book 2.279-297 Vergil’s textual source describes Aeneas’ encounter with Hector’s ghost during the siege on Troy who warns him that Troy has fallen and is held by the enemy. Vergil’s Aeneid focuses solely on Aeneas’ travels and then on the war of Troy. Vergil’s work has several poetic features used to create a very detailed scene. In this scene, Vergil uses first-person to show Aeneas’ emotional state during this encounter; allowing the reader to increase their sense of…
the reasoning to why people are so passionate about the Black Lives Matter movement, and how that has inspired people of all areas to act upon it. According to Altman and Alang, change is in the midst and people are working towards it. Chaney, Cassandra Robertson, Ray V. (2014). Can we get along? Blacks’…
Vanessa Ambtman-Smith, or “superwoman” as her husband calls her, has defied odds. From overcoming homelessness, mental health issues, and addiction, to becoming one of the leading advocates for racism as a social determinant of health in Canada, Ambtman-Smith strives to create an equal healthcare system for all Canadians. Ambtman-Smith, an Indigenous woman herself, says the experiences and injustices she has faced in her life time, encourage her every day to keep fighting for what she so…
And they have to own a BMW or Lexus to become the Uber black driver. The spokeswomen of the Orlando international airport, Cassandra Lafser said that, they will look into this issue, whenever the time permits them. Protest against Uber in India Traditional taxi drivers of Mumbai had a protest against the popular taxi-hailing service, Uber, because Uber is undercutting their fares…
Cassandra Hayes EDUC 205-B01 Activity Review 1 APA Format Constructivism in the Art Classroom In the article "Constructivism in the Art Classroom: Praxis and Policy" the author Christine Marme Thompson talks about constructivism most frequently practices in art training than it is explicitly invoked as an approach to curriculum or pedagogy. Arts education lends more towards constructivism, and constructivist learning it is described much like arts learning. Constructivism more frequently…
Police brutality, a myth? Or a manner of concern? The police organization is arguably the most evident establishment of governance in America. A public institution delegated with the duty of applying and upholding the law. Within many communities, police officers adopt the role of communal “peacekeepers”, the role of a crime fighter, where accountability is of the essence. Yet, despite their “noble cause”, police officers have to often endure a momentous amount of public accusations and…
Do you ever wonder why teenagers under age eightteen are required under writing to work limited hours. What you probably didn't know was that each year an estimated fifty eight thousand children under the age of fifteen die due to poor working conditions. “World Report on Violence and Health.” Every day over two million children around the world are working strenuously without pay. Children often work the majority of their day standing up. Standing continuously over long periods of time can…
Apollo was worshipped as a mouse daemon in ancient Troy and Greek islands. It was thought that when he was in a bad mood he would cause an invasion of mice spreading diseases, and when he felt good he would destroy them. He was also a gifted musician and would play his music on his lyre for the other Olympian gods. He was an oracular god which meant he could predict prophesy through the Delphic Oracle. He did have some children, such as Asclepius and Orpheus, and he was born along with his twin…
Arnett, Autumn. "Scholars: Police, Black Community Disconnect Unresolved." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education32.3 (2015): 6-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Nov. 2015. In this article Arnett argues that in different colleges across the United States African-Americans are dealing with the abusive force of police officers. Some supporting points that back this up are that she talks about the dog attack on a student at Norfolk State University, she has an associate professor from the…
Aeschylus’s trilogy, The Oresteia, presents one reason for Clytemnestra murdering Agamemnon: as revenge for the sacrificial murder of her daughter, Iphigenia. While this is not the only reason for Clytemnestra’s action, it is the most ambiguous; for example, Clytemnestra presents herself as a devoted mother, but she constantly contradicts her actions with her words. For instance, Clytemnestra, acting as a loving mother, vowed to avenge her daughter’s death, but later on goes to curse her own son…