Myths and Other Stories: The creation story consisted of seven days. On the first day, God created light. He separated the light from the dark by calling the day by light and the darkness he called night. On the second day God created the firmament which he called heaven. There were lower waters and upper waters, below and above the firmament. God created dry land on the third day and he called it ‘Earth’ and he called the waters ‘Seas’. He separated the dry land from the water and he also…
Morrison, he explains that this covenant requires “Every male to be circumcised, the foreskin at the tip of the male sex organ was to be removed, and this was to be the sign of the covenant with God, and it was everlasting”. This ritual is called the brit milah, which means “covenant of circumcision,” or may also be known as a bris. Morrison also explains that in this ritual “every baby boy was to be circumcised on the eighth day of his life” (15). Circumcision became an important tradition and…
Many websites, articles, and blogs explain that Orthodox Judaism has separate but equally important roles for men and women. The Halakhah or Jewish Law is comprised of elements from three different sources the mitzvoth d’oraita or from the Torah, the mitzvoth d’rabbanan or from the rabbis, and minhag or arising from long-standing customs (Rich, 2011). The Halakhah lists 613 Commandments. Some commandments address all Orthodox Jews, some address the men only, and some address the women only.…
PBH 200 Research Paper - Male Circumcision The focus of this course has been the understanding of different cultures, and through that, the comparing and contrasting of them all. Throughout these histories and teachings have been countless examples of practices and beliefs so unique to their respective cultures, that it feels almost absurd for people from other cultures to imagine. However, some practices transcend the cultures from which they originated, and in doing so have found a life of…
[2]The following are some Jewish rituals: Baby naming or Simchat Bat takes place in the synagogue on the babies first Shabbat. Bar/Bat Mitzvah is the ritual for when a child becomes an adult. Eight days after birth a Jewish baby boy undergoes a Brit Milah or circumcision if healthy. Marriage or Simcha is a ceremony between two Jewish individuals performed under a chuppah or canopy. Mikvoat or a ritual cleansing bath that is done for marriage that a woman is to do after menstruation in order for…