certain sea creatures that make them a very unique. Cute, fluffy, and amazing water birds, penguins, have a great appearance, multiple species, a variety of unusual habitats, and have a specific diet based on their habitat to make it one of the most loved animals at zoos all around the world. Appearance Penguins have great physical qualities and looks that affect how they live their lives. These wonderful birds have many layers to keep them warm. First, there are feathers, and then there is…
cheek. Until budgie birds get to their adult plumage, the babies have black strips from their forehead to their ceres (nose). When the they get, older black spots start forming on the sides of their throat. Mostly budgie birds have bluish-grey color on the legs. A budgie has two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing backwards this is called zygodactyl toes. This allows them to climb. Altogether a budgie has four toes. Budgie birds have lungs to breathe through. A budgie bird breeds to…
Antarctica. Emperor penguins eat lots of different species of fish and some species of squid. Hunting for food can be a dangerous tas because of the predators that want to eat them. While the mother of the family goes out for food, the father stays at their nest and protects and keeps their unborn baby. Emperor penguins are the tallest known penguin species known to man. According to Sea World,” The emperor penguin is the largest of all living penguins, standing to 1.1 m (3.7 ft.) tall and can…
winter in Mexico and Central America. To get there from their North American breeding grounds some birds embark on a marathon, nonstop flight across the Gulf of Mexico. They may double their weight in preparation for this grueling journey. The hummingbird is approximately 7 to 9 cm long and has an 8 to 11cm wingspan. The ruby throated hummingbird are solitary birds. Adults species of theses types of birds are not very social. Both female and males are aggressive toward other hummingbirds. One…
eight species are significantly correlated with temperature and seven species arriving earlier during warmer years. (Elizabeth R.E et.al) Scientists at Fargo, ND have studied 83 species of birds for their arrival time over ten years. The study concluded that the majority of arriving earlier than they did historically. The uniqueness of this study is that they measured FAD (First arrival dates) and AGDU (Accumulated growing degree units). The accumulated growing degree units for a time of arrival…
who have never been there before, It’s like going to space or the moon. Antarctica is like a desert, except It’s not hot and it's very cold It’s the coldest continent in the entire Earth and all you see is the snow, sky, water and penguins, seals, birds. it does not rain or snow a lot there, but when it does snow instead of melting they remain there and builds up for many years and make a large thick sheets of ice and they are called ice sheets. There is also glaciers, ice-shelves, and icebergs.…
having no will of their own because their oppressor forces them into what to do. Moreover. the bird represents a slave, as it is shut in its cage. Hence, in this case, a free flowing river is precisely what the slaves wish they could have. Analyzing this symbol more in depth, the bars represent entrapment: “When he beats his bars and he would be free” (“Sympathy” 17). As the cage takes away the birds freedom, but also, the slaves. This is because the slaves long to be free, but these bars are…
experiences and hardships studying birds, in particular a bird’s ability to talk and understand words, and her growing relationship with one bird. This bird was named Alex, and he was an African Grey who died at a young age of thirty-one years old. What helps make the book so good is the great balance between serious facts, and funny moments, which makes the book both educational and fun to read. I would recommend this to anyone who loves animals, especially birds. Alex and me has lots of…
people can come and relax, enjoy the sounds of birds and if they want can…
on components of the lessons. The activities were hands-on and put students in charge of their own learning which is the heart of Inquiry-Based Science. The first lesson I observed during my placement was about gravity. Students were given twirly birds to drop to the ground and investigate their patterns of movement. Students cut out a slip of paper from a template and folded two…