After the devastating events that occurred on September 11, 2001, the numbers 9 and 11 are no longer just two ordinary numbers. These numbers are a constant reminder to the American people that such a catastrophe is possible and no one can predict what the future holds. These numbers now serve as more than just an emergency telephone number. These numbers mean something personal to all Americans who witnessed this historic event not long ago. The 2,977 deaths on that day in the World Trade…
everything was going as usually. No-one could even imagine that in some hours he/she will die or burry the loved ones. Families and friends of 2974 people haven’t received any adequate true answer what their loved ones gave lives for. According to the official version, The National Commission stated - the attack was organized by Islamist extremist groups (AL-Qaeda), driven by Osama bin Laden. However, CIA groups were following to those extremists since 1990. But no steps were taken in order to…
people believed that all Muslims were radical and going to blow up our country. The last major thing that was caused by the events of 9/11 is a more unified country for the United States. Many people came together to help and support all those who lost family and friends in the horrible events that took…
Dialawar was an Afghan detainee who was beaten,sleep deprived and chained up for 5 unrelenting days until he died. However, it was later discovered that Dilawar had no connection to the rocket attack that he was apprehended for.( No torture,2008). Due to the C.I.A.’s misidentification of who Dilawar was mistaken for his last days were horrible and unjust. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. However, Dilawar was not the only victim of this “torture”. Another man who endured the brutal…
Humans were created to do good and given the ability to reason right from wrong. The gift of our conscience is a beautiful thing. It is unfortunate that in our world many humans fail to love and fall victim to the many evils of this life. I believe that humans are bad because they are motivated by power and thus they become blood thirsty to acquire and retain it. William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies shows that humans are malicious through the murder of Simon (pg. 202). Simon was the…
second. Stories of business owners letting a family inside just before the cloud of smoke filled the street were highlights on the evening news. This was a time to come together as a society and mourn. Now that society has come together, it was time for the powers behind the media to turn the public perception in a different direction. Emotional stories were followed by image alternating between explosions, airplanes, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. The “media machine” was preparing for…
happened to be world powers such as the USA or the USSR. The leadership of Al-Shabab describes the ideology in parallel to that of Al-Qaida as Manhaj, “It is the same manhaj repeatedly heard from the mouth of the Mujahid Shaykh Usama Bin Laden … the doctor Ayman ath-Thawaahiri [bin Laden's right-hand man] … and the hero, Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqaawi” [leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq] – Abu Mansoor al-Amriki reportedly announced. This ideology of Al-Shabab is inspired by the teachings of scholars like…
AL-QAIDA Al-Qaida or the base in Arabic is an international terrorist organization founded in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Qaida was initially formed by men from all over the world and many of these members were veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. The goal of Al-Qaida is to recruit, finance, and train mujahedeen to start a jihad and rid western influence and replace governments with fundamentalist Islamic regimes following Sharia Law. Much of the…
Was the Afghanistan War an Intelligence Failure? Osama bin Laden and many of his key leaders relocated to Afghanistan from Sudan in 1996. They soon established headquarters and training camps in the country and began orchestrating operations from there Following the terrorist attacks of September 2001, the United States found itself at war with al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden’s international terrorist organization. In response to the terrorist attacks, and because al Qaeda utilized it as a base…
several times did President Bush do what he could have to try to disrupt the terrorist attacks. That is something the country will never know. Some say he was given various warnings that there would be an attack on U.S. territory, knowing that Osama bin Laden was already a wanted man and the threats that had already been made toward the United States. In conclusion, September 11, 2001 was an extremely unfortunate event that could a have been possibly avoided if the proper precautions were taken.…