In my prespective, I think it's important for children to participate in organized activities. Orgainized activites are gate ways to things like; helping children gain a since of direction, playing creativly, and even team work. It's a healthy way to many different skills. Helping kids gain a since of direction is very important, although you dont want to force anything onto them. Organize activities are important because they help kids interact in activities they never thought they would.…
discovers a DNA sequence that fits the coding of the guide RNA, it proceeds to separate both of the double helix 's strands at the specific site. In response, the cells attempt to heal the broken area by either adding or removing DNA cells know as bases, which…
1. Observation. - Compound X is a white powder. It is a solid. 2. Questions. - What is compound X? - What will happen when compound X is heated and reacted with C20H14O4 (phenolphthalein – an acid-base indicator)? (1) - How does compound X react with C20H14O4 (phenolphthalein)? (2) - How does compound X react with water? (3) - How does compound X react with hydro chloric acid (HCL)? (4) 3. Predictions. - Compound X is calcium carbonate (CaCO3). - (1) When compound X is heated and reacted with…
Eppendorf Tubes All tubes contain 1 μL of the plasmid DNA, and 2 μL of 10X buffer #2. Tube 1 is the control so there is no enzyme added only 17 μL DI water. For tube 2 the DNA is mixed with 0.5 μL of BamHI and 16.5 μL of DI water, to see total number of base pairs from the linear DNA. In tube 3 DNA is digested with 2 restriction enzymes, which can give the relative distance between the two enzymes. To be more specific, 0.5 μL of Bam HI and EcoRI were added with the reminder of 16 μL of DI water…
blue (an acid-base indicator). In order to produce data that will be manipulated for calculations, the instrument in use for this experiment is a UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The UV-VIS will provide absorption readings for a series of solutions that includes bromothymol blue at different pH levels. The absorption levels are useful when determining the pKa for the indicator because the UV-VIS spectrograph reveals wavelengths that represent when the concentration of the conjugate base and the…
For a 91B they will go back to the base and start to fix the vehicles better so that they will have the vehicles perfect for the next time they deploy. Every MOS has a time length to the job. A 91B's time length is three years. After the three years is up the soldier has an option to keep…
The nine players are placed throughout the field with a first basemen, second baseman, shortstop, third baseman, pitcher, and a catcher. These players make up the infielders. The outfield has a right fielder, center fielder and a left fielder. The bases are white and placed in a diamond throughout the infield. Each team has to get 3 outs while playing defense. Once you get 3 outs you switch sides with the other team and go to offense and…
However, the usage of some synonymous codons generated by these base substitutions significantly differed compared to the consensus ones of Variant B: TCT1260 (relative synonymous codon usage value [RSCU], 0.81) vs. TCC1260 (1.50) vs. TCG1260 (0.66) for Ser; CCG1311 (0.50) vs.CCA1311 (1.12) for Pro (fig. 2 and 3C; Tang et al. 2007). Of the three downstream bases that were clonally mutated in the lineage A-V sequences, the first two bases comprised Leu (T1346TA) and Thr (AC1353C) codons of gag,…
of the school. The group is hoping to be able to have home base activities by the beginning of next year. We are working on home base activities and to try to spend more time with our home bases. We doing this for one reason because we don’t do much with our home bases on holidays. So our idea is to do more activities with our home bases on 2:10 and 12:40. Another idea was that we would try to leave town to go somewhere with our home bases. Our background as a school and…
Welding is the process by which two or more pieces of metal are joined or metal has material added to it to fill a hole. Welding process work by heating the base metal, or the material being on, to a liquid state. They then usually add filler material, in the form of wire or rods/electrodes. The filler material will also melt and mix with the base metal causes an irreversible bond fusing and strengthen the metal as it cools. The most common process used in industrial…