Owen and John partake in the Christmas Pageant by acting as the baby Jesus and Joseph in the chapter “Little Lord Jesus.” Throughout this chapter, Irving has John repeat the phrase “‘pillar of light,’” (148-198) --which was the stagelight moved by Barbara Wiggins to reflect upon characters needed to be seen by the audience -- eleven times. Since John is the narrator of the story, this repeated phrase is a hint that his inner conscience is needing something to help him believe in God once more.…
May 2007 . "Drug Testing Grows More CommonFor Good Reason." Security Director's Report 6.7 (2006): 9. Fahmy, Dalia. "More U.S. Employers Testing Workers for Drug Use." International Herald Tribune 10 May 2007. 26 May 2007 . Francella, Barbara Grondin. "Drug Testing the Right Way." Convenience Store News 36.9 (2000): 142. Business Source Complete. 24 May 2007 . Hadfield, Lindsay. "Drug Tests." Occupational Health. 58.5 (2006): 17-18. Business Source Complete. 25 May 2007 .…
Unfortunately, some companies have mismanaged their greatest asset—their brands. This is what befell the popular Snapple brand almost as soon as Quaker Oats bought the beverage marketer for $1.7 billion in 1994. Snapple had become a hit through powerful grassroots marketing and distribution through small outlets and convenience stores. Analysts said that because Quaker did not understand the brand’s appeal, it made the mistake of changing the ads and the distribution. Snapple lost so much…