They hypothesized there were no significant differences in desired leaderships between among (1) the different work groups, (2) between Millennials and Generation X, (3) between Millennials and Baby Boomers, and (4) between Generation X and Baby Boomers. First Cates, Cajanu, & Pettine used 49 subjects to determine the validity and reliability of the survey instruction. Using a chrombach alpha test was administered, which resulted with a reliability test o 8.87. It was considered…
of my favorite classes that I have taken through Liberty spent a lot of time discussing the generation gap between employees. In order to fully understand it, one must understand the mindset of the eras. For instance, it has been stated that Baby Boomers, those born between 1946-1962, live to work; whereas Generation Xers, born between 1963-1983, work to live. This has led some to believe that Generation Xers are slackers and are quick to bail at the first sign of difficulty. (Beutell &…
Generation X, or Gen X, is the demographic cohort following the baby boomers. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers typically use starting birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s and ending birth years ranging from the late 1970s to 1980. Generation X is a relatively smaller demographic cohort sandwiched between two larger demographic cohorts, the baby boomers and the millennials. Generation Xers as children grew up in an era when divorce was…
“the cry of the baby was heard across the land,” as historian Landon Jones later explained the trend. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before. In 1946 there were 3.4 million babies born, which was twenty percent more than the rate in 1945. This was only just the beginning of the “baby boom”. Every year until 1964, the increase of babies were born and then it decreased in 1964. At this point, there were over 76 million “baby boomers” in the United States. The “baby boomers” had made up…
the Baby Boomers are often looked upon as the “hippies”, love children, and peaceful protesters (not to mention avid drug users). While these statements are typically true of the Baby Boomers, another thing instantly comes to mind when they are brought up: Woodstock. Woodstock was a 3-day festival that occurred in Bethel, New York in August of 1969 with nearly half a million attendees. Famed for its stellar lineup and notorious amounts of drug use, Woodstock was a pivotal moment in Baby Boomer,…
an interesting period in time. We actually have about 4 different generations currently in our work force. Each of these groups were raised in different households with different standards and different ethics. While each group (your veterans, baby boomers, generation x’s and millennials) have a lot of the same attributes in the workplace, you have many different characteristics that define each generation as their own. While there are lists and lists of differences, I believe that you can dumb…
surrounding the cohorts, Masnick defines the Baby Boomer cohort as the generation with birthdates ranging from 1945-64, Generation X (“Baby bust”) as the generation with birthdates from 1965-84, and Generation Y (Millennials or “Eco boom”) as the generation with birthdates from…
people living with depression, alcohol abuse, people based on societal approval and anxiety but can the issues baby boomers have be paralleled with those of Generation Z? There are many causes of depression for all people. Both generations being discussed are full of people who have mental issues that are caused by paralyzing depression. According to, the average…
the last 10 years would have been a lot less stressful if my parents were around to fall back on, but I made it on my own and I am thankful for the values and responsibilities they taught me in my teenage years. Growing up with parents from the Baby Boomer generation, they have taught me to live with what you have and to make the most of it. I didn’t get to experience the boomerang effect that Rosie Evans describes in her…
When they exit the safe confines of school, most of their employers will be those of the Baby Boomer generation, causing them to not have their self-esteem sheltered like they are so used to. As Twenge discussed, teaching a kindergarten student about self-esteem is very unnecessary at such a young age. Twenge says, “It seems the school started…