need to understand some of the differences in veins and arteries. The arteries in the systemic system, deliver oxygenated blood from the heart, in a high pressure low volume stream to the capillaries found throughout the body. The systemic veins carry the deoxygenated blood from the capillary beds in a low pressure, high volume, valve controlled flow, back to the heart. From there, the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood through pulmonary artery to be taken to the lungs to replenish the oxygen…
3. Explain the heart generates and conducts an electrical current. Page 388 The heart has its own built-in conduction system for generating action potentials spontaneously and coordinating contractions during the cardiac cycle. All the cardiac muscle fibers in each region of the heart are electrically linked together. The intercalated disks are connections that electrically join the muscle fibers of the heart into a single unit that can conduct electrical impulses through the entire wall of…
Atherosclerosis is a disease where arteries thicken as cholesterol builds-up on their walls. A chronic inflammatory response in the arterial wall by the macrophage accumulation, promoted by low-density lipids.5 It is caused by the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries that can lead to stroke and myocardial infarction. Macrophages tend to rupture plaques by releasing lytic???? enzymes that break plaques in the arteries. Biomarkers such as plasma lipid estimation and myeloperoxidase,…
mesenteric ischemia and injuries to the arteries; it can locate the exact bleeding site by showing the leakage of contrast into lumen if the patient is active bleeding…
Arterial system of frog Blood vessels, which carry oxygenated blood away from heart to different part of the body, are called arteries. They constitute a system called arterial system. Truncus arterious gives two branches right aortic trunk and left aortic trunk. Each aortic trunk again divides into three branches- a) Carotid arch: it divides into – Lingual artery – it supplies blood to tongue and hyoid. Common carotid – it supplies blood to buccal cavity and brain. it consists swelling at the…
cardiovascular diseases is coronary heart disease. In which, the arteries harden and narrow due to plaque buildup that is known as atherosclerosis. Coronary heart disease usually leads to heart attacks because of high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and abnormal cholesterol levels. Furthermore, a study conducted by Hambrecht et al. (2000) was to determine if aerobic exercise training can improve coronary reserve in patients with coronary artery disease and endothelial disfunction. Vascular…
coronary arteries (Smeltzer, 2011). Upon arriving at 0720 the nurse manager greeted me and the other student, and gave us a quick tour of the control area and examination room. We were informed about the safety precautions used to protect ourselves from imaging equipment and the patient 's from infection and were instructed to wear a lead apron, surgical…
abdomen, or around the brain.A blood clot that forms in the arteries is differed from the blood clots that form in the vein. The reason is that the blood clot in the arteries leads to strokes, transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini-stroke), heart attack, or peripheral arterial clot and gangrene which is the death of body…
heart failure, occurs when your heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Certain conditions, such as narrowed arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, gradually leave your heart too weak or stiff to fill and pump efficiently.” Web. . January 12, 2016 There are contributing factors that can lead to heart failure such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Management of these diseases such as daily exercise, weight…
“long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems”, (Mayo clinic, 2015). This disease is found by the amount of blood that the heart is pumping and the flow that the blood has to the arteries. When the heart has to pump more blood to the heart, then the arteries narrow and this can cause…