The Ottoman Empire faced devastating losses at the First Balkan War in 1912. The problem originated, when Ottoman Turks crossed the Black Sea straits and that resulted into uniting the Balkan states into the ‘Balkan Union,’ that agreed to defeat the Ottoman Turkey. Bulgaria and Serbia ruled the Balkan Union, who aspired to conquer Macedonia because Macedonia was already at war with Italy, thus it was weak. Later, Greece and Montenegro advanced against Turkey with military forces. Within weeks,…
Rhetoric Who is a Waterloo Student? University of Waterloo is undoubtedly one of the most renowned institutions in Canada, famous for its brilliant faculty of mathematics nurturing thousands of talents. Founded in 1956 by professor Ralph Stanton, the faculty grew immensely and various traditions have formed over the years (“Stanton, Ralph G. fonds”). Arguably the most recognizable symbol that existed since the birth of the faculty is the legendary pink tie; which is a symbol recognized by…
all—the Great War, the War of the Nations, the end of all wars—World War I. Due to the assassination of Ferdinand, a chain reaction of war declarations spread throughout Europe. This war lasted four years and was fought on every ocean and on almost every continent. World War I changed the future of wars forever with the first use of more advanced equipment, the first and last use of trench warfare, and the transformation of the United Stated into the largest military power in the world. The…
Canada is a country with a long history showing how it came to become the great nation that it is today with many values such as independence and unity. Without having these two values in Canada it would be nothing but a bunch of divided territories, another state in America or still a part of Great Britain. Some events that have taken place in history for Canada to coalesce and create its core values were the battle of Vimy Ridge, the 100 Days Battle, Balfour Declaration and Statute of…
see how pride shaped history in World War I. In All Quiet, war itself is strongly associated with pride: "It 's queer, when one thinks about it," goes on Kropp, "we are here to protect our fatherland. And the French…
The First World War had a big impact on the lives of the Canadian people during 1914-1918, especially women during that time. Since the men were off at war all of the women had to fill in for all of the mens’ jobs. Nearly 1.6 million women joined the workforce during that period. Women worked as police, in the post office, public transport, on the field, in factories and working to make ammunition and weapons to send to the soldiers fighting at war. Not only were the women working in Canada but…
“Khojaly Genocide” Abstract: This essay tells how the city of Khojaly with population of 7000 people was targeted by Armenian armed forces in February 1992. Armenian armed forces that were helped by 366th CIS regiment destroyed Khojaly city. 613 innocent people were killed, among them there were 63 children, 106 women. The goal is to show the brutal actions of Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijanis who were unarmed and killed with brutality. They were burned alive, heads were cut off, had…
talking about the abortion the girl is about to undergo, but she does not seem to agree completely and at the end of the story we are left to wonder whether the girl will go through with the abortion or not. After reading and studying this short story I have determined that the girl will not have the abortion. WHITE ELEPHANTS First, to understand the story and the conversation between the two main characters, you must understand the meaning of the title. The sentence ‘Hills like white…
get away from their lives at home. The novel takes place after World War I ends. The customs are every unique seeing that this was the Roaring Twenties: “We were…
In Senator Albert J Beveridge’s Speech in Indianapolis in September 1896, he states, “We cannot fly from our world duties; it is ours to execute the purpose of a fate that has driven us to be greater than our small intentions. We cannot retreat from any soil where Providence has unfurled our banner; it is ours to save the soil for liberty and civilization” (Document…