658). Likewise, psychological isolation is also predominant among immigrants. Many are shunned by American society and also by their native country folk. They resemble a paradox, straddling the line between two cultures. In the poem, “Legal Alien,” the protagonist recalls her experiences of being multicultural, “an American to Mexicans, a Mexican to Americans” (Mora 657). Equally, they are susceptible to the prejudgments of others (Mora 657). In essence, immigrants are outcasts, with no…
is an agent accidently exposure to the alien biotechnology and becomes the only person who perfectly combined the alien genes and human’s. In this film, the settings are creative, the aliens become the disadvantaged party due to illness, and human beings become the privileged party who is trying to exploit them and utilize their technologies, especially the biotechnology weapons. Hence, lots of companies and governments want to discover how to control the alien weapons due to its extraordinary…
order should be allowed to pass for the greater good of the nation and her citizens because the policies in place for immigration are not utilitarian at all. According to federal law, it is illegal to employ and continue to employ a known illegal alien (the Political Guide). Upon discovery for overstaying a visa or entering illegally, an immigrant will be barred from applying for re-entry for five to twenty years depending on the severity of their offenses and frequency. What affect does this…
that the American government is currently focusing on. But a key issue in American society and economy today is the debate on whether or not to pass an immigration reform that would grant illegal aliens amnesty, or the permission to stay in the country and eventually become legal U.S. citizens. An illegal alien is a person who comes into America without a visa or permission from the government. The vast majority of immigrants come to America due to very poor economic situations in their home…
For several years, the immigration to United States has been increasing and as a consequence tons of issues have been originated between the two borders. But the question here is, It is necessary to discriminate and do all those harmful things such as arrest people that only come to the United States to have better opportunities and separate families as well as deny the opportunity to many people to have a better life? I believe that the immigration law should be reformed in order to offer…
Another was the aliens and how they were attacking the planet. Also another one was at the end when the alien ship crashes and the ship opens a bit and an alien arm crawls out, then the alien dies. Another one is that…
and formulas like the Drake Equation that space is too large and weird and wonderful for just us to exist in it. The real question in the sentence that everyone ignores in favor of alone, is we. Even though we use aliens as a metaphor for our fears of each other, when it comes to aliens humanity imagines we automatically band together, with the United States usually leading the charge. Humanity does not have the power to change whether or not we are alone. What we can change is how…
She is willing to give an opportunity to illegal aliens to stay in our country and make prosper lives. A great number of population in the United States is composed of illegal aliens that keep this country active. While Mr. Donald Trump highly disagrees with this idea. He believes that all illegal immigrants living in our great country should be removed from the root…
The Circuit by Jimenez portrays a story of a family crossing the border illegally to the U.S. The narrator of the book is Panchito, who was around 6 years ago when his family moved to California. The family goes through farmland to farmland to find work. It could be either picking cotton or strawberries. Panchito did not know any english when he started school. His determination and perseverance is what lead him to continue striving to fit into the American culture. At the end of the story,…
THE HYBRID is a sci-fi thriller with a solid concept. The idea of a young child disappearing and his desperate father fearing that aliens abducted him is a very appealing premise. The concept easily hooks the audience. While there’s a lot to really like about the premise, overall the script would benefit from more development. The story begins well. The first 13 pages are engaging. There’s a solid inciting event when the young boy, Micah, goes missing. The audience is emotionally invested in…