happening, I was flying to Hong Kong! A normal person would sleep on the 16 hour flight from New York to Hong Kong, but I was far to fidgety to sleep. I stayed awake the entire flight from take-off to landing. We arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport ahead of schedule at 4:30 p.m., as we had a good tailwind nearly the entire flight, cutting the ride to 14 hours. Hong…
Doug Brigham, the pilot, lost control of the flight. According to a final accident report by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Brigham intended to depart on a scheduled repositioning flight from a Helipad behind Brigham’s home to an airport located 25 nautical miles southwest. A handheld GPS device recovered from inside the helicopter shows that Brigham flew only for 27 seconds before impacting “trees and terrain.” Weather reporting stations near the area did not report any…
AZ to MD JFK to NY CA to FL JetBlue $ - $188 $842 Southwest $456 $ - $898 Delta $846 $272 $1,626 American $403 $374 $721 1. Based on the research it appears JetBlue has lower prices compared to its competitors. JetBlue did not have available flights from Phoenix to Baltimore on October 25th. JetBlue’s base is JFK in New York. When JetBlue was able to lock in JFK as their base they…
As I drag my suitcase through the DFW airport, anticipation, anxiety, and excitement culminate throughout my body. I have dreamed about this opportunity since I was twelve years old and now it’s surreal that it’s actually occurring. I have my ticket, my passport, and my destination. I am set. In five hours I will arrive in the tropical, humid climate of Liberia, Costa Rica. “Class B, you may begin boarding at this time,” the attendant announces. While I board the jet plane, I am reminded of my…
but I will try. I feel like the sun came out, but again I am feeling sad, remembering my Dad and Lual. I begin to cry, but then I remember my Mama is finally coming to America to live with us. Our family will be complete. Before we left for the airport I spoke to Ganwar. It’s been 1 year since I arrived and I have made so many friends. I made Ganwar feel better about living here. He always says he saw the the bright side because of me . “Now I have so many friends! Because of you I got the…
The first thing I remember is I am finally free. When I first came to America from Korea, it was the longest flight. Knowing that I would fall in love with this new country, I would never leave. I am nine years old in the airport, mesmerized by all of the shiny billboard and mega- televisions. I hear people speaking, but I do not understand. At that moment fear comes to the new immigrant, me. I am like a newborn baby, trying to grasp everyone’s motion and gestures. It is very overwhelming for…
As I exited the plane, I had come to the realization that I was about to accomplish a task that I had prepared for a year now. I was going to accomplish something that millions of people had done before me. My mom patted me on the shoulder to comfort me and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine.” However, I was difficult to be comforted. I was doing my Bar Mitzvah, after all. We were exhausted after the nineteen-hour flight, so we immediately rushed into the hotel and collapsed on the bed. The…
The ValuJet Flight 592 plane was a regularly scheduled flight from the Miami International Airport to Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport. In the cockpit was pilots Kubeck Candalyn and Richard Hazen who had over 20,700 flight hours total between the too combined. On May 11, 1996, the McDonell-Douglas DC-9 operating the route crashed into the Everglades after shortly taking off from the airport. It crashed as a result of a fire in the cargo compartment caused by improperly stored…
Nervously, I walked into the airport and I was going insane! It was going to be my first time on a plane. I had lots of mixed emotions that day. I was excited that we were going to Orlando, Florida to visit Disney World, but I was also terrified of riding that plane. I had no idea on how I was going to survive a two hour plane trip! With my luck, our flight was delayed, meaning that my nervous anticipation would last longer. A part of me wanted to get it over with, but the other part was…
New York, JFK Airport, gate B8. A Boeing 777 is pulling away from the gate and heading towards Runway 22L. It’s soon going to take off for Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. Today, the plane is using a replacement flight management software after the usual software was sent in for repair. The replacement software, manufactured by the Intel Corporation, is the same type the company inserts into Nobis, a tablet computer. “Welcome aboard Northern Airlines, this is your captain Mike Anderson…