rate is magnesium and hydrochloric acid. Initially, it was hypothesized that the reaction with hydrochloric acid would have the fastest reaction rate due to its high acidity observed from the pH scale. From there, the following reactions were based on the pH of the acid involved as well as the concentration of hydrogen ions/atoms within the acid molecule. As a result, it was hypothesized that the sulfuric acid reaction would be the second fastest and the acetic acid reaction would be the…
Topic: Identifying Unknown Substances. Equipments: • 5 test tubes. • 1 beaker of Acid 1 beaker of water • 4-Litmus papers • 2 Pipette bulbs. • 1 robber stopper. • 1 Bunsen burner. • Q-tips(4). • Scoopula. Observation: Which substance is which? Hypothesis: All the unknown substances that we have are soluble in water. Procedure • We had a 4 test tubes filled with small amount of white powder. We labeled each test tube. For example the first test tube was labeled as “Substance A” , the second…
In this investigation, electrolyte content will be measured and compared to the sugar content to give a measurement of how drinks compare in terms of benefit during exercise. The independent variable will be the drink being tested, and the dependent variable will be the electrolyte and sugar content of that drink. Electrolytes are positively or negatively charged ions that are essential for survival. Positively charged electrolytes move towards a cathode, while negatively charged electrolytes…
The unknown compound was composed of small, white crystals as shown in picture 1. The compound was completely odorless, which was tested by simply smelling the compound. Picture 1 (Unknown Compound): The solubility test of the unknown compound determined that the compound was soluble in water (H2O). The other known salts that were tested that were also soluble were all of the sulfates and NaCl. These were the only salts tested, because before this experiment it was determined by the flame test…
〖Na〗^+and K^+channel relationship Figure one shows the temporal relationship between 〖Na〗^+ conductance (g_Na) and K^+ conductance (g_(K )), and the relative changes in the V_m during an action potential. 〖 g〗_Na increased as the V_m moved towards 0 mV causing depolarization of the membrane and started to decrease immediately after the peak of the action potential. Whereas, g_(K ) increased immediately following the action potential peak during the repolarization of the plasma membrane where…
Even people living in not so hot places search for information on how to stop armpit sweating effectively. The reason for this information search is because of problem of excessive perspiration called Axillary Hyperhidrosis. When a person suffers from hyperhidrosis excessive sweating is seen in some or several parts of the body even under normal cool atmospheric conditions. This problem happens because of an overactive sympathetic nervous system in some parts of the body. The over activity…
Baking Soda and Citric Acid is what’s in the mystery mixture. That group thinks that Baking Soda and Citric Acid is in it for a lot of reasons. One reason is that the mystery mixture has circular round objects in it and the Citric Acid is circular and round. Another one is that when you cut open the Citric Acid it’s crystal clear inside. The mystery mixture is also crystal clear inside when you cut it open. The fizz time of the mystery mixture and Baking Soda and Citric Acid were both roughly…
The test on Taco Bell's meat mix was tested and it was found that about 15% of it was protein. That might not sound like a lot, but for ground beef, it’s right around normal. That is because ground beef is mainly composed of water and fat so that percentage of protein is normal. However, that’s not all that was tested. There were some ingredients that were found in the meat that you would not find in your supermarket meat. One such ingredient is soy lecithin. That is a binding agent so without…
Acid forming elements are chlorine, phosphorus, and sulfur (different from alkaline-forming elements). These elements are the primary element in foods containing moderate to large amounts of protein (except for milk and a few other dairy products). I decided on using peanut oil because peanuts yield an acid, thus they contain acid-ash. Acid-ash residue is inorganic radicals that form acid ions in the body, causing lower pH making the urine more acidic. Acid urine favors the excretion of kidney…
Malachite Green Assay: The reaction that AGPase catalyzes produces PPi. The resulting PPi that is produced is hydrolyzed by an inorganic pyrophosphatase (Sigma Aldrich) to generate phosphate (Pi). Each reaction for the assay was conducted on a 96 well plate and the reaction mixture was 50µL and contained Pre-Mix which contained 50mM HEPPS, pH=8.0 (MP Biomedicals), 10mM MgCl2, 1.5mM FBP (Sigma Aldrich), and 0.2mg/mL Bovine Serum Albumin (Sigma Aldrich), and 1.5mU/µL yeast inorganic…