Government CBA 5/6/16 Fisher v. University of Texas-Austin Fisher v. University of Texas, (2013), is a United States Supreme Court case dealing with the affirmative action admittance policy of the University of Texas-Austin. The Supreme Court overruled the lower appellate court's ruling that favored the University and protracted the case, holding that the lower court had not applied the standard of strict scrutiny, articulated in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) and Regents of the University…
This memorandum is intended to give a broad overview of the federal trademark registration process. The entire process will usually take around one to two years from the initial filing to receiving the federal trademark. This timetable is affected by a plethora of factors such as possible objections from the USPTO or third parties and the number of applications filed before that are still in the process. Usually the following steps are included in the process: Searching and clearance, Preparing…
Affirmative Action Needs To Be Put To Rest For years, men have worked hard for their wealth and power, and as a result, men like Bill Gates enter the world and conquer its riches. The thing about him, however, is that he is considered to have an advantage that everyone doesn’t have, he’s white. Because of this advantage, the push for Affirmative Action has become an uproar in our society. People fail to see that others, minorities specifically, have made a name for themselves without “special…
fact, discrimination still occurs in our workforce today. Discrimination is defined as “the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people” (Merriam-Webster). In 1964, Congress passed a civil rights act that prohibited…
are social rules and regulations as well as norms and values that universities as well as other countries have established and it is against the law/rules to discriminate against any person where the university do not tolerate with those kind of actions (Mitchell, 2016). Yet, in the year of 2016, a teenager guy who is a freshman student at East Tennessee State University crashed into a silent protest of Black Lives Matter wearing a gorilla mask and giving bananas out to them. I cannot even…
to the California Supreme Court for rejecting his admission into the school “because of his race”; he believed his rights had been violated under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The University of California Davis Medical School reserved sixteen spots for minorities out of every 100 students. Allan Bakke, wanting to become a doctor, applied for medical school at the university two years in a row, and…
minority applicant's score in its rating system. Harvard University has an "unofficial lift" scheme, which also targets minority applicants (Qiang, 2006). According to Holzer and Neumark (2000), theoretical studies of the efficiency of affirmative action on education are virtually nonexistent and can be a patronage program to minorities. At any university, the entering blacks and Latino students entering university are less likely to be in a top academic rank (Bunzel, 1996). As this Country…
conditions. While a union’s historical purpose is to offer redress for employer violations of employees’ civil liberties and moral rights the tactics that unions have taken in doing so also raise moral issues. To address the ethical concerns posed by both unions and employers throughout American history, the Government has taken on a regulatory role by passing legislation that circumscribes the actions of both parties. In order to fully…
Collin Rust 11/28/2017 Professor Smith The Case for Reforming Affirmative Action Since affirmative action was first fashioned up and implemented by President John F. Kennedy on March 6th 1961 through the use of an executive order, the program that was designed to help boost the role of historically wronged racial classes (Sander, 2013). This was originally seen by many scholars as an absolutely necessary measure in order to help bring together a nation that had been historically divided by race.…
minority females making it difficult for them to succeed and achieve a job at a large law firms. If they do, there is another layer of worries they have to deal with: the glass ceiling, stereotypes, tokenism and sexual objectification. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted to protect…