The Faces of Love William Shakespeare’s “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream” is, like many of his works, a play whose theme is centralized around love. In this particular play Shakespeare approaches love from several different angles or different types of love. There is a paternal love like that of Egeus and his daughter Hermia or even between Titania and the changeling child she cares so much for. The reader also experiences marital love as between Theseus and Hippolyta as well as the love of Oberon…
Everyone has a dream, whether they acknowledge it or not; everyone has a longing deep down to do something or be something. Throughout John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, dreams are an play a quintessential part of the character’s lives and goals. They are able to give someone a purpose, but also affect them negatively, which can be seen in both works. Firstly, A Raisin in the Sun depends greatly on the presence of the Younger family’s dreams; each…
The play A Midsummer’s Night Dream is a surprising, clever, and witty story that has been one of Shakespeare’s best known works. It shows us the escapades of four lovers named Hermia, Helena, Lysander, and Demetrius, to the play that four friends are working on, which is about love. This is a play that shows us a lot of love, but at the same time, shows an abundant amount of comedy. But one of the questions that is raised in the play is, are Hermia and Lysander soul mates? In the play, there…
Steven Lee 9B 12/28/15 Theme Paragraph for Trickery and Deception In The Odyssey , Penelope affects the suitors’ lives by tricking them into believing that Penelope will pick a suitor to marry after she is done weaving a fake burial shroud for Laertes because she has faith in Odysseus- that he will return home safely. Because Odysseus is slow to return after the Trojan War, Penelope’s home is plagued by suitors who want to marry her. Unfortunately these suitors also have overstayed their…
My group chose to depict the scene where Hermia finds her friends in the woods. She has found Lysander, her love, now in love with Helena because of a love potion Puck mistakenly puts on him. She also finds Demetrius, who was courting her and seemed to hate Helena but is now in love with Helena due to the efforts Oberon put into fixing Puck's mistake. And we also find Helena who thinks this is all a joke and that everybody is just trying to mess with her. We chose this scene because it had…
The title gives the readers a piece of ironic flavour because of the play on words. While the climb occurs on April Fools day, Roddan concludes that the two climbers are also "The April fools, married with fear and laughter on Polar Circus". Clearly, many would perceive them as fools for undertaking such a dangerous climb, especially at that time of the year. However, Roddan challenges the skeptics with her thesis "The tango with fear makes me wise" through which she reveals a central paradox:…
What is love? Aside from being an excellent song by Haddaway, it is a favorite subject and theme of William Shakespeare’s work. In the play A Midsummer’s Night Dream, A tale of four people Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena who go into a forest and encounter some fairies and leave ready to marry each other which they do along with Theseus the king of Athens and his beloved Hippolyta queen of the amazons (no not the online shopping company). It also happens to be one of Shakespeare’s most…
Love is hopeless. Love is fruitless. Love is good. Love is stupid. Love is kind. Love is biblical. Love is spiritual. Love confuses me. Love is scary. Love can be described as nothing besides love. Love is always in the air, that’s why there are so many b***** children such as the demon, elf child Pearl in the Scarlet Letter. Teenage love is especially terrifying, due to its unpredictability. Do Romeo and Juliet ring a bell? That nymphomaniac Juliet had Romeo committing suicide for her, or was…
Oberon and Robin Oberon. I believe Oberon would be better suited for today's world. In Shakespeare’s Fantasy/Comedy A Midsummer's Night Dream, There are four intertwined lovers playing for each others hearts. Along with the lovers there are everyday people practicing for plays and royalty preparing for their weddings. Behind the scenes though there are fairies. A King, A Queen and their loyalists. These fairies are here to make all well, but as the king and queen bicker about custody of a child…
An Influence Never Forgotten Regardless of age or ethnicity, at some point during life, most people read and even quote Shakespeare. Through his writing, Shakespeare shaped many areas of modern life including speech, future writers, and standards of entertainment. His impacted the English language tremendously, coining many common phrases which people use in everyday language. In addition to this huge contribution on languages, Shakespeare created a well known style of sonnet which many poets…