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    I remember each of them as if they were yesterday, the polar plunge Jack, Flynn, and I did barely a week after I made the list. Being the first week of March in the Midwest we froze our assess off. I immediately regretted showing Jack my list at that point. He saw polar plunge and immediately signed us up for the senior plunge. I swear, who ever thought jumping into a lake in freezing temperatures was absolutely positively insane, and the fact that we have kept this tradition for so many years…

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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Ariana D’Anwar, princess of the planet Tamiria and first-born daughter to the royal family in over a hundred years. Life as she knew it was about to end and she prayed for someone to save her. But, she knew this was the only way to prevent a war between her beloved Tamiria and the much larger planet that everyone for years had referred to as Dark World. Ariana stood behind the closed, glass doors that lead out onto the balcony outside of her bedroom. She stared down and watched as three floors…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    “I can’t believe that you would allow yourself to pay for your very first date. Did your new boo not have any money?” Lisa asked. “Actually he took the time to not only walk me to my car like a gentleman but slipped the money plus a little interest into my pocket. So don’t believe it because I didn’t pay” I replied with a smile that told Lisa to mind her own business, which when it came to Lisa, just meant for her to dig a little further to find out if he was actually worth my time. “Okay so…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Dream It was dark and cold, I couldn’t see where I was going all I know it that I am in my house in my room my mom took my light bub out and blocked my heating vent. I heard my door open and turned my head and seen my mother, she was walking towards me. “I see your still up stupid bitch.” She yelled whispered trying not to wake my brother, I started to hear my own heart beating, and my breathing quickened. I sat up on my bed and tried to run towards the door but her hand gripped my hair and…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Here I am, talking to you again. There is no point in talking about Pency Prep or the fact that I was in a mental institution because you already know all that crap. They told me lots of doctor bull, and said I had to grow up or whatever. To be honest, I didn’t want to grow up. In fact it was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Anyways, this story is about my last semester in school. I’ll try to keep this one short. I’ll begin the day I met her. I was the manager of the lacrosse team taking the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The Being 5 Years Ago “Christina, we have to go, now!”, my best friend Gwen said. Gwen has been in my life since I was born so when she gets back from her phone call I know something’s up. “G, what is it”, I looked at my friend worried, something wasn’t right. “Your parents are in trouble, they told me to hide you and take you far away. They said they knew this day was coming but I never thought that He would find you. We have to get out of town now!”, G responded. I hadn’t a clue what was…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The Down Pours of Life I’ve always listened to people tell me that in life the bad things will come and go but the good things last forever. Today I am here to test that theory. My hypothesis to this theory is that bad things don’t always come and go and good will not always last forever. I feel this way because looking back at my life the bad things didn’t always leave and the good didn’t always stay. Here’s why I feel the way that I feel about this whole theory. I was born in Atlanta, and…

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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    Background The conflict I chose to analyze was with my sister and also involved my brother. Basically, every Tuesday and Thursday morning my sister has class at 8 am and her and I share a car so we leave at 7 am. My brother leaves for high school at around 7:10 am. For the whole semester my sister and I have been getting late almost every Tuesday and Thursday and last week we made a plan that my sister wakes up the earliest, my brother at 6am, and I wake up at 6:30 am. However, every time, my…

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    Great Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Three slices of pizza, two bottle of wine and a chic flick later we are on to the gossip portion of the evening. Abby is busy going on about this new receptionist at Dave’s office and how she is always dressing in short, short skirts and tiny tops and how no one seems to care. “Hello, dress codes are there for a reason people, they need to be enforced.” “Yeah I hear ya.” I agree “So did Flynn tell you about the girl he has been seeing?” She just had to wait until I was taking a sip of wine to…

    • 2225 Words
    • 9 Pages
    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    3… 2… 1… I shoot my jumper and the buzzer goes off. The people in the stands all begin to chant at our victory, my team rushes me, gets a hold of me, and lifts me up into the air. “We did it!” I did it. Game MVP with 38 points, 6 assist, 10 rebounds, and now I got that full ride to the University of Kentucky that I’ve been working for. I look up and see Mama crying in her diner uniform, she made sure that when she finished her shift at the hospital that she called Walt’s Diner to tell Mr. Henry…

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