interpreted to understand what went on in the classroom (Gebhard, 1999). Gebhard (2008) suggests that, through observation, mentors can teach their mentees how to deepen their awareness regarding their teaching practices, personal values, and beliefs. This awareness is shaped by showing the mentees how they can see their teaching differently through systematic observation and reflection on their own and other’s teaching (Gebhard, 1999; Oprandy, 1999). Put it differently, to make observation…
(DeSena, 1999). The article, “‘Smart Growth’ Designed to Solve Urban Sprawl-related Problems”, discussed what costs are associated with sprawl to cities, policies that contain sprawl, and the success of Portland’s smart growth management policies. Sprawl has caught the attention of charities, grant makers, and even foundations to combat the sprawl problem (DeSena, 1999). They believe that sprawling is the root of so many serious problems such as social, economic, and environmental (DeSena,…
within these individuals (J.C. Bradley, T.M. Waliczek, J.M. Zajicek, 1999). The participants in this study were high school students. The instructors of this experiment contacted 150 schools within Texas, who taught environmental science courses. Out of these schools 18 of them stated that they would partake in the study. 475 students from ninth to twelve grades, were chosen to participate in this study (J.C. Bradley et al., 1999). The…
Johann Christoph Denner created the clarinet soon after 1698 (Barrett, G. 1999) (Adullah, M et al. 2015). The clarinet is a woodwind instrument with a single reed. A clarinet has many different keys, and each of them helps produce a different note. “The keys were of brass, sometimes of silver and the springs were of brass.” (Barrett, G. 1999). It is an instrument that is somewhat quiet compared to others, but it can be played loudly if the player desires. “While almost every other woodwind…
establishes rapport with the witness (Willis et Al., 1999). This may be achieved through informal small talk between the parties, and typically reduces tension. Similarly, the interview encourages the witness’s passive expression of thought (Willis et Al., 1999). These measures typically establish trust, which consequently minimizes false information (Kohnken et Al., 1995). Next, the witness is encouraged to think out loud (Willis et Al. 1999). By doing so, the interviewer can retrieve cues to…
detail of the law when broken (Grabosky 1999). The concept of the preventive strategy is harsh towards those breaking the…
principles that recognize the supremacy of God” (Russell 1999). According to Russell (1999), this can also be considered the “God-clause.” The three articles discuss this notion of stating “the supremacy of God” in the preamble of the Canadian Charter. Although the articles have different views about the preamble, I highly agree with Russell’s (1999) article titled, “The Supremacy of God does not belong in the Constitution”. To begin with, Russell’s (1999) overall argument is that ‘God’ should…
INTRODUCTION Gang membership is often associated with negative consequences from use of illicit substances (Battin-Pearson et al. 1999; Eitle, Gunkel, and Gundy 2004; Hennigan et al. 2014), antisocial behaviour (Esbensen and Melde 2011; Hennigan et al. 2014), stressful life events (Eitle et al 2004; Hennigan et al 2014), and violent criminal activity (Battin-Pearson et al. 1999; Deschenes and Esbenson 1998; Eitle et al. 2004; Esbensen and Melde 2011; Hennigan et al. 2014). This literature will…
family members in the investigation and treatments of schizophrenic patients (Brown ,1999). He worked specifically with a mother and child and began to see the connection between emotional functioning…
Overall the Btu/lb of the coal ranges from 12,210 to 15,150 on a dry basis and increases from the northern to the southern parts of the Raton Basin (Flores and Bader, 1999). The coal within the Vermejo Formation ranges from High Volatile bituminous C to low volatile bituminous (Rooper et al., 2006). Coal petrology indicates a vitrinite reflectance values of 0.57 to 1.58 percent reflectance with the maximum values located…