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22 Cards in this Set

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4 kinds classification of Fuels

1. Solid fuels - coal, coke, wood, charcoal,bagasse, coconut shells, rice husks and briquetted fuels

2. Liquid fuels-crude petroleum, kerosone, diesel, bunker

3. Gaseous fuels- natural gas, artificial gas, blast furnace gas, LPG

4. Atomic fuels - natural uranium, thorium and plotunium

2 analysis of composition

1. Proximate Analysis - is an analysis of the composition of fuel which gives , on mass basis, the relative amounts of moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash.

2. Ultimate Analysis - is an analysis of the composition of fuel which gives, on mass basis, the relative amounts of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur ash and moisture.

2 specific gravity formula

S.G.(fluid) = rho(fluid) / rho(water)

S.G.(gas) = rho(gas) / rho(air)

API and Baume gravity units FORMULA

°API = (141.5/S.G. @15.6°C) - 131.5

°Baume = (140/ S.G. @15.6°C) - 130

Specific Gravity at Temperature (t): formula

S.G.sub(t) = (S.G.@ 15.6) ( Correction Factor)

where CF = 1-0.00072 ( T - 15.6) in C°

CF = 1-0.0004( T-60) in F°

Heating Value or Calorific Value description

HHV or gross calorific value - is the heating value obtained when the water in the products of combustion is in the liquid state.

LHV or Net calorific value - is the heating value obtained when the water in the products of combustion is in the vapor state.

Dulongs Formula

Qh = 33,820 C + 144,212 (H-(O/8)) + 9,304 S , kJ/kg

ASME formula for petroleum products:

Qh = 41,130 + 139.6 (°API) , kJ/kg

Bureau of Standards Formula:

Qh = 51,716 - 8793.8 (SG)^2, kJ/kg

LHV of solid fuels:

QL = Qh - 9H(sub2) x 2442 , kJ/kg

where: H2 = 26 - 15 S>G. ( in%)

Definition of theoretical weight of air:

The theoretical weight of air is the exact theoretical amount as determined from the combustion reaction of air needed to burn a unit amount of fuel.

Theoretical weight of air formula if ultimate analysis of coal is available:

(A/F)subt = Wsub"ta" = 11.5 C + 34.5 (H- (O/8) +4.3 S , kg(air) / kg (fuel)

where: Wta = ideal proportions of air to completely burn the fuel.

if the ultimate analysis of coal is not available, formula

(A/F)t = Wsub"ta" = Qh(kj/kg) / 3117 , kg(air) / kg(fuel).

(A/F)t = Wsub"ta" = Qh(kcal/kg) / 745 , kg(air) / kg(fuel).

(A/F)t = Wsub"ta" = Qh(Btu/lb) / 1340 , kg(air) / kg(fuel).

Formula 0f actual weight of air:

(A/F)a = Waa = (1/32.72) [ (CxN2) / CO2 + CO]

(A/F) = Waa = Wta[ 1 + (%excess air / 100) ] , kg(air) / kg(fuel)

What is Orsat Apparatus

Gaseous products of combustion are analyzed using gas analyzer

The result of the analysis of dry flue gas by volume can be expressed by the equation:

CO2 + CO + O2 + N2 = 100%

Formula of the weight of gasesous products liberated during combustion of fuel with air:

Wfg = Wa + Wf , kg/hr

The weight of dry flue gas formed per kg of fuel burned: formula

Wdg = Waa +1 -(SO2 +H2O + Ashloss )


SO2 = (2x%S) / 100

H20 = (9×%H) /100

Percent excess air: formula

% Excess = (Waa -Wta) / Wta

The chemical formula of hydrocarbons is:

CnHm (n & m is subscript)

Formula of chemical formula:

Fuel + Air = products of combustion

Formula of higher hearting value in BTU/lb

Qh = 13500C + 60890 H