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4 minutes
Another well known argument is the federal law does not protect lgbt people. There are many reasons people think this. In 1994, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1994 was in Congress. While this bill received much more support from the civil rights community and other sponsors, it failed to pass by a close 49-50 vote. Another reason people think is President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 13087. This order issues protection for LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination in federal civilian employment on the basis of sexual orientation. A final reason people think this is is 2005 over half of the U.S. population Could be fired, evicted, or denied places of public accommodation because of sexual orientation.
Minute 5
A final argument that is said on the basis of gay rights is There is increasing growing support among the public concerning the protection of LGBT people. Some examples of this is the 2003 Gallup Poll which stated that Nearly 9 in 10 Americans support non discrimination of sexual orientation. A 2002 study by the Human Rights Campaign showed that 3 in 5 respondents support transgender nondiscrimination laws. A final reason people think this is “In the 1990 General Social Survey (GSS), 76 percent of respondents said that homosexual relations were ‘always wrong’. In the 2000 GSS, that number decreased 59 percent
Minute 6
The Factors that shape views of homosexuality are based on a gender belief system: the assumption that what is not “feminine” must be “masculine” and vice versa In 1977: 56 percent favored equal job rights, in 2002: 86 percent favored equal job rights In 1982: 52 percent of Americans polled thought same-sex attraction was due to upbringing and In 2002: more Americans believed that a person is born homosexual rather than environment causing their sexual orientation (40 percent versus 36 percent)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For my ending statement I would like to say this how would you feel if someone you loved and cared about was being bullied and abused because of who they were and who they loved.
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