- Summary The story begins with Janie Crawford returning from her travels. After she is walks through the street and into her house, everyone starts talking gossip. Janie is extremely attractive, all the men notice her, while all the ladies envy her, but when she was walking through the street, not a sound was made. The town’s ladies start talking about how Janie is too old for Teacake (her late husband), how she is rude, and too reserved. The only person who would listen to Janie is her old friend, Pheoby Watson. Janie tells the story about her childhood to Pheoby. Janie starts with stating that her parents were absent during her childhood so her grandmother, Nanny Crawford took care of her with the help of the landowners Mr. and Mrs. Washburn. One spring afternoon Janie kisses a boy named Johnny Taylor, claiming she was influenced by the blooming of the pear tree. Nanny gets really worried about this, because her daughter, Janie’s’ mother was also extremely free spirited. Nanny decides it is best to get Janie married to an old wealthy man named Logan Killicks. Although Mr. Killicks was a reliable place to live, Janie didn’t like him at all. In the meantime, Janie meets a good looking, smooth talking man named Joe Starks, who Janie connects with. After Mr. Killicks threatens Janie, and treats her badly under the impression that Janie is spoiled, Janie runs off with Joe Starks. Joe Starks then becomes the first mayor of Eatonville, and gains prestige. One occasion, a man named Tony Taylor asks Janie to give a speech, but Joe, also called “Jody”, prevents her from doing so saying that it was not proper of a wife. Joe becomes extremely involved around town, and has little time for Janie. Joe’s newfound wealth causes him to become arrogant, and overprotective of Janie. He makes Janie run his store, but makes her cover her hair, and limits Janie talking to the “lower-class” people who try and talk to her. Janie soon becomes of what Joe wants of her: a quiet, restricted, wife. She internalizes all the unfairness Joe places on her, but one day when Joe
- Summary The story begins with Janie Crawford returning from her travels. After she is walks through the street and into her house, everyone starts talking gossip. Janie is extremely attractive, all the men notice her, while all the ladies envy her, but when she was walking through the street, not a sound was made. The town’s ladies start talking about how Janie is too old for Teacake (her late husband), how she is rude, and too reserved. The only person who would listen to Janie is her old friend, Pheoby Watson. Janie tells the story about her childhood to Pheoby. Janie starts with stating that her parents were absent during her childhood so her grandmother, Nanny Crawford took care of her with the help of the landowners Mr. and Mrs. Washburn. One spring afternoon Janie kisses a boy named Johnny Taylor, claiming she was influenced by the blooming of the pear tree. Nanny gets really worried about this, because her daughter, Janie’s’ mother was also extremely free spirited. Nanny decides it is best to get Janie married to an old wealthy man named Logan Killicks. Although Mr. Killicks was a reliable place to live, Janie didn’t like him at all. In the meantime, Janie meets a good looking, smooth talking man named Joe Starks, who Janie connects with. After Mr. Killicks threatens Janie, and treats her badly under the impression that Janie is spoiled, Janie runs off with Joe Starks. Joe Starks then becomes the first mayor of Eatonville, and gains prestige. One occasion, a man named Tony Taylor asks Janie to give a speech, but Joe, also called “Jody”, prevents her from doing so saying that it was not proper of a wife. Joe becomes extremely involved around town, and has little time for Janie. Joe’s newfound wealth causes him to become arrogant, and overprotective of Janie. He makes Janie run his store, but makes her cover her hair, and limits Janie talking to the “lower-class” people who try and talk to her. Janie soon becomes of what Joe wants of her: a quiet, restricted, wife. She internalizes all the unfairness Joe places on her, but one day when Joe