Supporting the fact that Millennials overcomplicate their decisions, Ansari reflects upon his thinking strategy. He iterates, “I feel compelled to do a ton of research to make sure I’m getting every option and then making the best choice.” Unfortunately for Ansari, this method of thinking landed him with a peanut butter and banana sandwich for dinner, because he “had run out of time.” Ansari’s use of personal anecdotes reflects his desire to be perceived on the same level as his readers. Aziz Ansari is a famous actor and comedian, and therefore is likely seen as being ‘above’ the average individual. However, Ansari uses his experiences to develop empathy, and reinforce the notion that all millennials make the same dating mistakes, “While we think we may know what we want, we’re often wrong.” Moreover, it could be added that Ansari uses humour to ground himself, because he is a comedian, to reinforce in his own mind that he has grounds to talk about this subject. For example, instead of being straightforward and serious, Ansari turns simple statements into hilarious quotes: “Without you, my soul has eczema.” It is evident in this article that Ansari relies on humour to reinforce his thesis, often through the ridiculing of his own personal …show more content…
His use of research reinforces the idea that he has grounds to talk about this subject, and that he is not only a comedian. One example of Ansari’s supportive research would be the concept of ““satisficers” . . . and “maximizers.” Satisficers “satisfy and then suffice,” whilst maximizers “seek out the best.” Ansari, through his supportive research, imparts to his audience that, ostensibly, millennials are maximizers because there are now so many options available. Single individuals “don’t always know what they’re looking for” when in pursuit of a partner. This presence of options does not mean the greater likelihood of satisfaction, however, as Ansari reinforced through his sandwich example. Through research, Ansari supports his thesis in a way that millennials often seek: