Summer vacation for students and teachers originated in the early 19th century, when schools would have kids come whenever they could instead of now …show more content…
Ohio State University research “Year Round School Don't Boost Learning” has shown that students who go to school all year only show a 1% better than students who go for a shorter time. These numbers are so low that the benefits of all year school is not worth the extra money that would cost taxpayers. It's not the taxpayers who are paying the costs, families are affected most due to parents having to hire more caretakers or take days off to take care of their kids during breaks. Large studies by Penn State Harrisburg and North Carolina show that academic success comes down to the teacher's skill not the time spent in class. If a teacher doesn't teach well it doesn't matter how many days the students go to school due to the bad teacher. Children don't learn with more time, they learn with a good teacher. As a result, parents should not send their kids to school all year just to get a minuscule 1% better score on …show more content…
Research done by the National Association for-year round education found that the top 5 states in test scores had little to no year round schools, while the bottom 5 schools were the states with the most year round schools. The difference shows that year round school does not work but instead makes it worse. Trion City School District in Georgia switched from using the normal school year to year round school and the results were not what they expected. SAT scores dropped on average by 78 points in two years, which is a staggering amount considering how important the SAT is for getting into college. Without good SAT scores, students aren't set up for success that traditional schools provide. With more and more schools implementing all year school is it really helping students or hindering