The paycheck is given to the teenager for doing little to nothing. Most teens are put at a position of clean up or cash register which doesn’t challenge or stimulate the brain. When teens finally decide to start a career it is going to give them a hard look at life. A larger paycheck no longer means mopping floors and cleaning tables. Careers require education which you seem to lose during high school, while working at McDonald’s. Life gives teens a huge wakeup call on how little McDonalds prepared them for a real job. All in all working at jobs such as McDonalds in high school can be a really harmful thing. Yeah, the money is really nice but is it really worth it? The lack of education they provide does little to nothing for teens now and later down the road. With few useful skills and trying to manage high school, these jobs offer no benefits and undermine teens. Therefore teenagers should stay clear of “McDonald” type jobs and find a job that will actually improve their
The paycheck is given to the teenager for doing little to nothing. Most teens are put at a position of clean up or cash register which doesn’t challenge or stimulate the brain. When teens finally decide to start a career it is going to give them a hard look at life. A larger paycheck no longer means mopping floors and cleaning tables. Careers require education which you seem to lose during high school, while working at McDonald’s. Life gives teens a huge wakeup call on how little McDonalds prepared them for a real job. All in all working at jobs such as McDonalds in high school can be a really harmful thing. Yeah, the money is really nice but is it really worth it? The lack of education they provide does little to nothing for teens now and later down the road. With few useful skills and trying to manage high school, these jobs offer no benefits and undermine teens. Therefore teenagers should stay clear of “McDonald” type jobs and find a job that will actually improve their