Follow up
First off we will encourage residents and family members alike to share their concerns and complaints in open forum. This will create an open door approach, which will allow residents and families to feel more at ease when any concerns arise in the status of care (National Center For Assisted Living/NCAL, 2005). The step in the process is to reach out to both the resident and the family and apologies for any discomfort the situation has caused. Provide empathy for their distress and reassure them you have heard their complaint. Avoid making the apology seem as if you are accepting any blame, who’s at fault cannot be determined until the facts in the case have concluded. All complaints need to thoroughly documented, incorporate a chronologically sequence when obtaining the information for either the resident or family member. A standard format is available, located in easy to obtain location through the residence. This will be accompanied with Woods Hollow’s Patient’s Bill of …show more content…
This covers how we interact with our residents and their families, as well as how we take care of them professional. Complaints regarding the care of our residents is a serious concern and we will do everything within the scope of our practice to ensure the best of care. We have examined the steps needed to resolve the issues that the underlining compliant initiated. Conducted an inquiry into the compliant, while providing the outstanding concern to both the resident and their families. Lastly, the process is set to follow the state mandated timeline to provide a timely investigation into this issue. The final outcome will reflect our protocols and policies, once the investigation has concluded and the findings have been verified. Until, we have definitive answer, we the staff of Woods Hollow will continue to conduct ourselves in a professional manner, and treat our residence as