Women In Judith Lorber's The Social Construction Of Gender

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During ancient time, women were ignorable and not indispensable, the society is dominated under patrilineal system that means everything is controlled by men. That time women should stay at home. However, with the socialization developing, women roles started to changing until feminism comes into people’s attention, which is to pursue a political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. As far as I am concerned, I learnt about "how to be" a woman from my cultural traditions, my families, which build me as duality in both tradition and modern. In The Social Construction of Gender, Judith Lorber presented the idea that gender identity is changing during socialization. Everyone “does gender” in everyday life even without thinking it, for …show more content…
When I just born, some old relatives in my family kept saying that the girl is coming only spending money, no benefits. It is the first conflict that I went through in regard to gender identity. However, my grandparents and parents, they ignored all gossips and treated me equal to my cousin. My mother told me that being a woman is valuable, and you can do as well as men can do, even better. While, my father told me that what men do, usually, valued more than women do, however, women should not be devalued but be praised, since they need to spend more efforts. The first time I told my families that I want to study abroad to make my life different, most my relatives cannot understand why a girl want to leave home and get higher degree. In their point of view, once a woman gets a bachelor’s degree that will be enough. Find a secure, undemanding job after a graduating, form a family and put most efforts into taking care of children and husband instead of having own career, which is set as a woman’s whole life. It is not a script and women are not actress, we do not have to follow directions. We can do what we want to do and become what we want to be. That is the reason my parents support me to study abroad and come to United States. My parents are always telling me to work hard to achieve the dream rather than asking me to clean the house or wash dishes. …show more content…
I am not saying that women should fight with men and scramble for jobs. I have to admit that it is essential to keep a balance between women and men no matter at home or at working, which will promote the

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