• We are still afflicted by the painful sequences both of slavery and the late rebellion, so let us have peace, but let us have liberty, law, and justice first. – All citizens are still mourning from the tragic events of the war but now is the time to have peace, liberty, law and justice for all.
• Not be asked to put no difference between those who fought for the Union and those who fought against it, or between loyalty and treason. – To put aside the past conflicts and unite as a country.
• It was a war of ideas, a battle of principles and ideas, a war between the old and new – Douglass believed this because the North and South had clashing opinions and ideas against each other because both wanted to operate differently.
• From the far-reaching, unchangeable and eternal principles in dispute, and for which our sons and brothers encountered hardship, danger, and death. – The disagreement between the North and South, led to